899 Checking Coolant Level

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by stevebetts, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. Only got my 899 last week and on returning to my garage on the two rides I have had so far, a drop of coolant appeared on the garage floor.
    Great I thought!
    It appears to come from the LH side of the engine from somewhere around the lower of the two grub screws.
    I checked the level of the expansion tank and to my horror it appeared to be empty.
    I got some coolant yesterday and proceeded to fill it.
    Before I could see any sign of the level in the window, coolant cane out of the overflow pipe!
    I thought I was going mad. I drained the expansion tank just to be sure it was indeed full and low and behold it was.
    I slowly refilled it and the level is just not visible in the level window.
    I googled it and it seems no one can actually see the level through the window. What a waste of time.
    In the end, I put a mark on the fairing side of the tank corresponding to the max level and used the Bernoulli principal to check the level using the pipe from the bottom of the tank after removing it from the radiator neck.
    I'm now not sure if I have a leak of if the exp tank was a bit full and it dropped out of the overflow pipe.
    There is sign of pink fluid, albeit dried, on the LH side of the engine.
    I will keep an eye on it.
  2. it is a leak.
    Its coming out of the small hole on the LH side of the engine.
    Its literally one drip when i stop.
    Apparently its the seal in the water pump.
    Not great on a bike that`s only done 3000 miles.
  3. Steve tell me more. I've had the same thing. Only occasionally though. Have you had it looked at to confirm its the water pump seal?

  4. Yes mate. Confirmed today.
    How many miles has your bike done?
  5. Interesting! After replacing the bulbs in the headlights I noticed the header tank was empty, i've never noticed any leaks tho.
    When you say left hand side is that you sat on the bike?

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  6. I think you will find the expansion tank is full. You can not see through the "window". I thought the same as you, but the tank was full.
  7. Nope it was empty and when I filled it up I could see the fluid through the window

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  8. Really? U can't see a thing through mine.
  9. Yes mate

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  10. Got my bike back from Cornerspeed yesterday. Neil did a great job. New water pump fitted and leak now fixed! Thanks for your help on this Neil.
  11. Did you get it done under warranty?

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  12. Ducati supplied the pump and I paid for labour. Quite a long job to fit tho.
  13. Steve. Glad to here sorted but how come not all under warranty?
  14. Cos the bike was 3 years old on 1/11/16
  15. My 1299 did this at 1400 miles. That was the point where it was PX'd.
  16. What do you have now?
  17. A hypermotard 939SP.
  18. Nice. Was the only reason for the PX the water pump leak? It would have been a warranty repair anyway wouldn't it?
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