Chilling Video of Bike Disasters

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by wroughtironron, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Show's how easy it is for us to get injured

  2. Chilling indeed............but 80% of those "accidents" were down to twattish riding.
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  3. I made it 90%...
  4. A couple of nasty ones there...
  5. The guy in the crash at just about three mins ain't walking away from that.
  6. not gonna watch. its much too perilous.
  7. Wish I had my off's on vid. Especially the last one. It may have speeded up my insurance claim and got the 98 year old car driver . Yes. 98. Banned. I was on my way to hospital anyway to visit shmbo.
  8. Be careful out there.
  9. Especially at junctions :eek:
  10. Couple of car driver that are being cnuts... No surprise there!
  11. Wayyyyyy more bike riders being cnuts........No surprise there!
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  12. Agree!... However, how better are you as a car driver since riding bikes?
  13. I believe I'm much better, and would advocate that part of the driving test should include learning to ride a bike on the roads so that drivers become more aware of bikes.

    However if you ask SWMBO she would probably say that I am more impatient as a car driver because I ride a bike. :smile:
  14. Personally I hate videos like this. I have no interest whatsoever in watching anyone, let alone a biker, get seriously injured or even killed. You can argue that they serve a purpose, i.e awareness of how dangerous it can be, but I don't think, we or anybody else, are under any illusions that our hobby is a dangerous one.
    It greatly saddens me that this stuff gets put onto youtube et al just so people you can watch and take some perverted sense of pleasure seeing somebody taken away from family and friends
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  15. I'm with matt on this.
  16. I think It's pretty frightening and it serves as a reminder of just how mortal and frail the human body is. I watched this horrific crash of a drunk driver on some channel four programme of the "wackiest" crashes on two and four wheels!!. The driver ploughed off a highway and downhill into several parked cars and the passenger was slung out of the smashed windscreen into a parked car really hard. They both survived because they were so drunk that they were very pliable! otherwise they probably had little chance

    I can't see this as entertainment and should not be presented as such, in this case it was amazing no one was killed, sadly the bike video appears to not show the fact that no one was killed or crippled for life.

    Sobering and thought provoking yes, but not entertainment in my opinion.
  17. I never watch this stuff.
    It's not entertainment seeing people hospitalised.
    I don't need to see people's glaring errors to learn from them. If I hadn't sorted this stuff out in 30 years I'd already be dead.
    I don't need reminding that biking is dangerous and I don't need frightening.
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