Turkey roast all the way for me. Then cold turkey with beetroot and chips on Boxing Day. Then turkey stew after that. That's me done with turkey for 360 days until the same time next year. :tongue:
Fish and Chips, but with an actual portion of Chips, unlike the sh*t they seemed to have mugged you off with... there is like 4 chips there! that's not enough... your sauce/chip ratio is sub-optimal
Don't really fancy Fish n Chips for Xmas Dinner, I much prefer that option on a sunny evening in Scarborough after a good day at the Oliver's Mount Races. Chips n Fried Eggs n Baked Beans would do for me tomorrow. I did once convince my mother to do Steak n Chips, but it was never repeated. She is doing Chicken tomorrow at the request of my niece and I am happy to go along with that.
I am doing roast lamb tomorrow, but my mum is doing Turkey Curry for Boxing day when my family get's together, good times!
Turkey and trimmings all the way. Family invited round, as I have the kids this year, so full on family thing with PS4, PS3, monopoly, etc. and generally too much food n stuff leading to turkey curry in the following few days .
That is great idea. Guess F&C for me tonight .... but do not think it will count as X-mas dinner that I am having moved to 27th
We're having game pie filled with venison, pheasant ,rabbit and pidgeon all sourced locally. Accompanied by local grown veg bought from the farm shop. Tried to do as much as possible without buying from supermarkets and have pretty much succeeded with some of it (pheasant, rabbit and pidgeon) costing nothing as it was shot by either me or the brother in law. Possibly having trout tomorrow, caught by me and all washed down with either beer from a local micro brewery or cider again made locally by a few enterprising locals. Going to be quite different and I'm really looking forward to it.