I couldnt belive it, September for christ sake. They will be nice hot with big dollop of clotted cream:
Fekkin hate that this crap comes earlier and earlier each year! When I was a kid, Christmas ads didn't start until mid November!
Nah!... Had kids and still didn't like it. Fekkin waste of time. I enjoy the time off work, but that's about it. I must have been a Scrooge in a past life!...
I spotted all the Xmas shit in our tescos last week and co-op also have the chocs etc on the shelves. I have also noticed the pubs advertising for Xmas do dinners. Wtf is going on? Can someone in retail please explain?
I don't loathe Christmas, I do loathe the way it's rammed down our throats a 3rd of the year before the event. I loathe the fact that some families will end up in serious debt because consumerism dictates that they must buy the latest greatest. The meaning of Christmas is now capitalism I like my family time at Christmas, I'm not really arsed about presents or the large amounts of food. Sadly there is no opt out option so if I do air my distaste I'm seen as a scrooge type.
Mince pies will be out at a store near you I shall be sick of the sight of them by Christmas After Halloween the shelves will be displaying Christmas wares Christmas isn't a day anymore and the story behind it lost to making as much money as possible As soon as Christmas is done the Easter eggs will be in
Halloween is American bullshit. Back in the day, it was just one evening with a few parties and witches and stuff. None of this trick or treat crap and another commercial opportunity. A bit like Valentine's Day - yet another absurd rip off.
Everybody needs a winter break, and it's good to have a family get-together, eat nice food, decorate your home, give each other stuff, maybe go away for a holiday or maybe have a party. I'm all in favour of that. Just a bit irritating when religionists try to muscle in on it, and spoil everything.
True. But then carols and churches and stuff sort of blend into the tradition of Xmas trees and Santa Claus. It's all folklore, it's just that many people can't see it. There used to be something about the drudgery of church that made you appreciate the presents and the meal more. A bit like being unemployed or retired is not the same as being on holiday.
Arghhhhhhhh!!!!! I have 2 sons !!!! I still hate Christmas .... I don't want to be a granny !! I'm still getting over not being under 30 ... Then hit 40 and had a melt down . I do not want to be a granny in my 40,s Even though I am a parent that's enough for me to deal with.. I never expected I'd have children . I'm still in shock !! And ones a teenager . I can't deal with the G word yet!!!! I'm useless They bring babies into work and I hide lol. I work with children all day .. Nooo grandchildren for 20 years please