Christmas spending?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by El Toro, Dec 9, 2013.

  1. Less than last year

    7 vote(s)
  2. The same as last year

    5 vote(s)
  3. More than last year

    9 vote(s)
  4. Bah humbug

    6 vote(s)
  1. Will you be spending less/the same/more than last year?

    I've managed to keep spending just 2% more than last year - which was a feat and a half. Still spent a shit load though!
    #1 El Toro, Dec 9, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2013
  2. Less but more on self! Benefits of off loading a wife. Happy days.
  3. More......being lazy and not shopping for the bargains..
  4. Is it Christmas already ?
  5. wouldn't know, the missus does most, if not all of it, I try not to keep track, that way I won't be worried about it.
    I'm just responsable for buying her something, that will compensate for all the toys i buy myself ;-)
  6. I don't really watch how much I spend on pressies, if I see something I think the girlfriend will like for her crimbo I buy her it. Other than that ive just got my mum, sister and nephew to get so not that much really.
  7. Its fucking painful
  8. Well you do need to buy another GoPro don't you!!
  9. Well apart from Mrs car, loads less!
  10. I bought my Mutley some R&G engine covers (100 notes) on Sunday at the NEC. No one else has had that much spent on them from me this Crimbo! It must be love!!!!
  11. Probably more this year not that we have finished shopping yet ! It's not Christmas Eve :biggrin:
  12. i usually start on xmas eve- can't beat the time pressure to help speed up the decision making process. very efficient.

    usually ends up being boxes of Marigold gloves all round…….
  13. I don't buy prezzies...................................................

    It's my way of saying that I am green and have no carbon footprint.:eek:
  14. Every day is christmas day for my wife.
  15. Edited for the butt-fucked amongst us.
  16. Corrected.

    Sadly, the euphoria of the current festive season has caused me to briefly forget the abject misery I have suffered and will continue to suffer.

    Happy fucking christmas everyone!
  17. Think yourself lucky!
  18. Every day, SH, every day.
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