CJS Remap - another happy customer!

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Briggers, Oct 18, 2013.

  1. My 2011 Multi with full Termi has just received the CJS treatment and I'm really happy! :biggrin:

    I primarily wanted the low rev fuelling sorted out, and I can now trundle along at 2000rpm without the previous associated jerkiness. I knew that I would get more power overall, but what I'm amazed about is how much you can really feel this. It is just generally smoother everywhere - even downshifting approaching junctions is now smoother. It really is a transformation.

    I don't think Chris will want to see me back any time soon though. His laptop crashed due to a virus when he was halfway through mine causing a lot of drama at the time - but it's all worth it in the end :upyeah:

    Thanks Chris. Another happy customer.

    Multi on Dyno.jpg
    Multi Dyno Chart.jpg

    It's a little hard to read, but peak power is up from 141.64 to 147.6bhp, and torque is up from 81.17 to 84.59Ft/lb.

    Multi on Dyno.jpg

    Multi Dyno Chart.jpg
    #1 Briggers, Oct 18, 2013
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2013
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  2. How much was it mate? Really want to get mine done just a hell of long way from where I am.
  3. 450 ish I'd guess, check out his website cjs racing
  4. Meant to add this picture earlier. The bike now lets you know on start up how special it is :upyeah:

    Multi CJS Racing Screen.png

    Multi CJS Racing Screen.png
  5. Bringers, pleased to hear about your experiences. I spoke with Chris the other week, very helpful and will be booking in to see him in the New Year.

    I just hope I don't make his PC crash!

  6. trying to get it done within the next 2 weeks :D
    Can't wait for it :D
  7. Me too, but the firm I work for has just gone bust :( if I get another job fairly quickly, the redundancy will fund it
  8. thats very cool.
  9. I know!! Makes me smile every time I see it :biggrin:
  10. Booked in for this Friday :cool:
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