1299 Cleaning/lubing Chain

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by MergatroidSkittle, Jun 14, 2015.

  1. Total noob question. Coming up to 400 miles on my new 1299 and the chain is looking like it wants a clean (greasy but dirty, only dry use on bike). How soon do you wait to clean/lube a chain on a new bike because the manual says cleaning it may disrupt the lube inside the links?

    Always had old bikes, where I just cleaned the chain when I wanted.
  2. Think it means don't scrub the links. I use gear oil to lube every 150-200 miles. Cleans the chain as it flings off. Yes it goes on the back wheel and swing arm a bit but to no detriment to my riding. Chain always looks clean. Where it does go on the bike just wipes off with a rag.
  3. motul chain lube C2, goes on very wet, then dries very sticky. i apply over exhaust point, with a thick rag over the exhaust. A paddock stand is a great help :upyeah:
  4. Parafin, soft paint brush and liberal application then wipe of excess with a cloth. Quick spin around the block and then a squirt of Wurth dry chain lube whilst the chain has some temperature in it. Job done, comes up like new.
  5. grease ninja tool used in combination with chain wax & used after paraffin & toothbrush cleaning..
  6. WURTH. These guys make the best chain maintenance products I have yet to find. Use the chain cleaner to remove the accumulated crap off the chain and sprockets ( there are special brushes for not much off the internet, or an old toothbrush will do ) and then start using their 'Dry Chain Lube'. First application you take a bit of extra trouble and lube the whole of the inside face of the chain, then either take a tin with you or leave one where you park the bike up and just squirt the bit of chain visible when you get off. It's never the same bit of chain, so you gradually lube the whole thing on a rotor basis. The lube goes on like very thin oil, but dries off leaving a 'dry' lubricant behind. Although this is pretty much invisible, it is still doing it's job, plus it doesn't go all black and manky by mixing with road crap to make a sort of grinding paste like 'wet' lubes do.
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  7. I use the wurth dry lube, great stuff, I tend to use it when hot, so when I get home from a ride every other day or so and on the paddock stand just spray a little spay often is what I like, never had any issues. I fully clean the chain yearly, I don't cover that many miles, and fair weather.
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