I've just bought a low mileage ST4s which, apart from the paint on the crankcases (mostly hidden by fairing, anyway) is virtually immaculate. The one thing which catches the critical eye is the chain-side silencer .... in certain lights you can see a sort of staining, like a dribble running from upper to lower. I've tried brake cleaner and a light bit of polishing with Peakes Metal Polish .... nice and clean but still with underlying staining. Any suggestions? I know I'll probably be putting it through a hedge before long but while it's tucked up in the garage I'd like it to be as tidy as possible.
Duraglit from Tesco (half the price of Ebay) cheap as chips and twice as effective (as chips) will beat anything with a Japanese tuner on the tin and won't smell of fish
best results I've had been using fine / ultrafine scothcbrite with plenty of water, use with the grain to obtain original brushed finish. You may end up doing the whole silencer (left & right sides?) sleeve for continuity and it's fairly labour intensive.
yes, but only as I wanted them both the same, if you're not bothered then just address the stain, may look a little bright at first but in time it'll dull down.