Squirrel's, Foxes even Badgers all classed as vermin Rats OK well that's a given definitely vermin and should be controlled. Discovered these at the weekend Hmm maybe they could work well Apparently very effective and completely legal to purchase in the UK.......BUT and it is a big BUT, you have to be very selective in what vermin you actually shoot, the guy in the shop told me that as far as he was aware there is currently no legislation to limit, cull or exterminate so even when things are reaching plague like proportions as was the case this past weekend you are most definitely not allowed to shoot these.............
My experience of all Accupell pellets is they are not particularly accurate, particularly past 15metres......I use Wasp; either 5.5mm for German rifles or 5.6mm for British ones......Mind you, if you have a decent full power German one, the 5.6mm go pretty well with the extra build up of pressure behind them. For that lot in the picture though, maybe a 12 bore at 60 metres and 'true cylinder' would give all of them a good sting......with one cartridge :wink: AL
Is it good practise/road sense for bicycleists to ride two abreast, chatting, holding up other road users? Just wondered? Perhaps gaily coloured stretchy pants also doubles up as kevlar armour?
if you run down a side road towards them waving a chainsaw shouting gibberish and looking slightly wide eyed,they tend to speed up.
i eagerly clicked onto this thread hoping something dreadful had happened to David Cameron and George Osbourne.
Erm is Jerry there? Kato I found that kind mentioned above does not like noisy, hot motorbike in between them so I let them know I am coming and clearly indicate I am going for it. They move swearing.