
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lightning_650, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. Last week,I sold my Sprinter van on ebay.
    It's parked on my mates farm in North Bedfordshire because the RFL has expired
    The buyer is collecting Wednesday pm.
    Yesterday am,a call from a WPC asking me to move my Sprinter as it's causing an obstruction
    Where? A cul-de-sac in Chessington!
    A few panicky moments while I establish that my van is still parked at the farm.
    It is.
    Filth rang again a few minutes later to apologise,VIN number doesn't match,stand down etc,etc.
    Ho-hum.........begin to rethink my policy of leaving the number plate unmasked while advertised on t'Interweb
    Yesterday pm:
    My niece calls,can I collect her fellas Xmas present (pushbike) from the shop?
    5 minutes later: stand down,her cards been cloned,someones tried to drain her account on the Internet
    Luckily the bank spotted it and barred the transaction
    That makes eight of my family/friends who've had cards done recently
    Until this year,(apart from a bit of vandalism to my vehicles),I've not been affected by crime
    Despite what the filth say,I reckon crime is on the up,in my personal experience anyway
  2. Sorry to hear Lightning - it would be good if we could get some crime feedback re: how and where cards are cloned as it might help us all with our shopping habits. A card of mine was cloned around 6 years ago (in December) and as I used it so rarely I was pretty certain it was a petrol station.
  3. I had my account hacked/card details cloned recently. I agree I think its on the up. I automatically thought Interweb but now not so sure.

    If you think about it its easy money for the scum & how many people get to see your card details, if you do anything habitually it may be relatively easy for them and then all they need to find out is your address and they are off and running.

    Scummy low thing to do but its desperate times and the more desperate people become the more chances they are willing to take. Its all relative and just depends on your own morale compass. Also easy to have morality if you have all the cash you need just look at Dave's Gang all moral indignation, easy when your all bloody millionaires.

    That said if I got my hands on them their next lunch would be their bloody gonads!!!

    Oh with me Bank caught it, they were drawing down £20 every 2 hours to a phone company, might then have been selling on the credit no idea but the computer's flagged it up...................not just the thieves getting clever

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  4. Perhaps your relationship with the police would be better if you didn't refer to them as "filth" :rolleyes:
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  5. Not all five-o are "filth"..:upyeah:

    Scamming / fraud is rife over here too with this "recession". If it aint nailed down or encrypted its fair game.
  6. A fair bit of standing down going on. Shouldn't that be sit down, after you've stood up? :smile:
  7. The man that invents breast cloning is going to be a very rich man indeed. Mark my words.
  8. The one thing that stood out for me too. :rolleyes:
  9. i recon this sort of cloning crime is on the up cos of tossers who gayly advertise their make model colour and registration in full glory on the internet……..

    just saying like cos its not very nice.
  10. Awww come on boys,old Greasers have been calling them the filth since time's a term of endearment
    And I ride out to Europe several times a year with a few current and ex-Met,they clearly don't take offence as they keep inviting me along.
    Anyway,thats not the point of this thread
    I've never worried about the reg showing on Ebay or whatever,as it's clearly on display when driving a motor on the road
    So if someone wants to clone a van or car/whatever,just wait for a similar example to go past.
    But the card cloning thing,it's rife round here.
    My elderly mate up the road has been done twice recently,he's getting jumpy about using his card now
  11. I had a credit card cloned in Comets before they went bust. I had never used the card before, and some transactions were spotted in a local Dixons store. When I queried it, the card provider already knew about it (no idea how). I went back to Comets and complained, and took it to their head office. After 24 hours and according to Comets an 'extensive' investigation, I got an e-mail saying that nobody in their store cloned the card.... Lying, thieving cnuts! Glad they went bust!!

    just odd that it is those of the Asian persuasion that seem to perpetuate this crime... They would have their hands cut off if they were in their country of origin...
  12. It's that time of year as well, I have seen an increase in phishing and attempted scams on my emails, credit card and Paypal accounts. I had my credit card cloned recently and my son has had his work email hacked and pleas for money sent to his friends and clients saying he is stranded. Some of this is non UK based and stems from Eastern Europe.
  13. Tbh that scam has been around for about two years that I know of
  14. I have never had my cards cloned or lost money from them in any way as of yet. My only real worry is that i might not notice small transactions out of my account and therefore would not inform the bank that something dodgy was going on.

    Apart from that, surely its the banks money that is getting stolen not the card owners.
  15. A couple of years ago SWMBO had her card cloned and there were immediately 8 transactions on it totalling over £2500. Her bank notifies her by email when something goes out of the account so that's how we spotted it.

    A quick call to the bank stopped the card and she had no problems getting her money back. Not sure if the culprits were ever brought to task though.
  16. Desmoboy your quite correct, I got all my money back in full from the dodgy transactions and quick too. The bank then sent me a form to fill in giving them permission to contact the police and pursue. This is a way of getting you to say "I know nothing" and if you do then your going to be getting a visit from the boys in blue.

    I also once got caught with a dealer I previously used that went bust, I don't believe this was malicious. Anyway I claimed back through Paypal took about a couple of weeks and was no great amount. There was zero hassle and I got repaid, just took a while.

    I think the banks computers are getting smarter on your spend patterns and when something unusual occurs they call or sometimes just shutdown the account. Of course this has a downside, like when they decided to cut off my credit card when I was working in Senegal and then had no money for a day or so till it got sorted. You cannot have it every way I guess.

    #16 Old Jock, Dec 11, 2013
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  17. Yet another time they used my name and address but not my card. That was fun, I got chased relentlessy by some bloody software company for ages trying to get me to pay then they set the debt collectors on me too.

    The scenario here was if you've nothing to hide and its not you report to the Police and get a crime report number. Report what that they used my name and address Sorry that is not a crime (I did try) apparently.

    Then I got a call from the US when using the same card they bought a shedload of Viagra and this was the guy who supplied chasing it up. It may have helped if he had some geographic knowledge, the shipping address was London somewhere he told me and the card address Glasgow.

  18. It took me over a week to get my new credit card, you almost need a spare just in case this happens!!!! True the banks etc. are getting tighter\wiser on your transactions but it's still inconvenient when it happens. This is the second time my card has been cloned and it always seems to be the same credit card company that is involved, I have never had a problem with others.
  19. My joint account with my wife was clonned, I don't use those accounts and wouldn't even know the account details, a few years back we have allot of money taken out, all used in Spain, for large flat screen tv's, home entertainment systems, flights and few other items to add. We were immediately fully refunded, however my wife spoke to the bank and asked if they can track the people down, and they said it's not worth it. WTF Speaking to a mate in the finance sector, when he prepares the budget and balances the books for a large bank, they round off to the nearest million, so a several thousands they would just write off.
  20. From what I understand a cloning problem can be compounded when the Bank you are with doesn't immediately believe the card holder is innocent in the crime! I'm wondering if it was a figment (etc) now but feel sure I saw a Documentary on cloning in general that revealed X bank had a slight leaning toward 'guilty until proven innocent' re: card holder. I bet nearly all of you can guess which bank as well. Energy providers aside I think it shows that sticking with one Company (Bank) for life has one definite advantage here.
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