Club In South East?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Susiesu, May 3, 2014.

  1. Hi, does anyone know of a Ducati owners club in the South East? Preferably near Crawley/Gatwick. Thanks
  2. No, but I'm that way myself (furnace wood) so on the look out for one!
  3. I heard there was one starting soon in this area with a meeting in Peacehaven sometime soon, but can't find out about it.
  4. The Kent DOC branch meet for rides at least once and month and more in the summer. We've a couple of members your way, and one in the Gatwick area ;-) We often ride out to Sussex, you're welcome to join our Facebook page to keep an eye on runs you might want to join in on. PM me your real name assuming you use Facebook, and if you want to join I'll add you :) Search for DOC GB Kent Branch.
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  5. Thank you! I'm logging in to FB now.
  6. I see Rob has added you :upyeah:
  7. :) Thanks for your help! Am looking at going to Ace Cafe tomorrow afternoon, so hopefully meet some members there. :smile:
  8. I'm guildford way maybe we should start one up :)
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  9. Sounds like a good plan fella, count me in, any excuse to ride!
  10. Will have to get something sorted maybe do at least 1 meeting a month or something, fine out where ppl are and find a place that's good for everyone :)
  11. I'm up for it! The closest I've found is Kent. Maybe arrange a meet at Box Hill sometime?:smile:
  12. Yer box hill is good for me, that's the first place I have been and only so far lol will have to sort out some dates.
  13. If you look in the ride out section their is a thread for box hill as their are a few that go down their pretty much most weeks I have only had the pleasure once so far.
  14. We have had a Boxhill meeting running on the Second Saturday of every month for at least 5 years now but since 'Anyone going to Boxhill' thread has been running we tend to meet every weekend now anyway : )
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  15. Well their you go :) cheers Chris
  16. Must get myself to that one of these days
  17. I'm in!

    Oh, wait...I forgot to buy a Ducati:(
  18. Bury Hill cafe ain't a million miles from you Susie, and there's normally a good few Ducatis there.
  19. Sorry, that should say Whiteways cafe, on Bury Hill:Shy:
  20. Ha! Easily remedied- I can recommend a good Ducati dealer, who'll suitably equip you!
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