Anyone know why the clutch on a 999 goes solid when squeezing the clutch lever and pushed the clutch springs and caps against the clutch basket and won't release until I let the pressure off the bleed nipped?
The clutch has been working fine for over a year. I will check the mark you suggested and I know that was in the correct place and don't think it can move once the clutch is fitted. This happened an hour and half into the ride. Could it be a problem in the master or slave cylinders? Thanks.
Do you have the OEM master or an aftermarket one? I've read of "pumping up" on some master cylinders, where the actuator is not allowing the pressure to be released, leading to a locked clutch. Others here will be able to explain better than I. Welcome
As far as I know it's the original actuator and if you diconnected it from the bike you can push the piston back in the actuator with the push rod. As soon as you connect it all back the clutch just freezes up with pressure.
different bike but possibly same problem - i.e. blocked port(s) in master cylinder causing system to remain pressurized even when lever released :-
If the bearing in the pressure plate fails then the spinning push rod generates heat and expands the fluid.
The Clutch springs only hit the casing when the clutch lever has be pulled and the clutch locks up. The clutch plates have been fitted for a year now so don't think that's the problem. I am hoping that it is a problem with the clutch lever stopping the back flow of fluid.
If the pin on the clutch lever is adjusted too long the bypass valve doesnt open in the master cylinder when clutch lever is let out. This can cause clutch slip when motor is hot as the fluid expands and has the same effect as pulling the lever in slightly.
The spring caps shouldn't move at all. If they move outwards when the lever is pulled, then the clutch pushrod is pushing the whole drum assembly out rather than just the pressure plate. Whip the pressure plate off and check. It's only 5 minutes and if it comes off, then it's going to do a whole lot of damage.
The whole clutch drum moved outwards because the clutch was pressurised as the fluid doesn't return to the master cylinder.
I see what Neil (nelly) is saying after reading your first post again Gareth, but maybe it's the terminology? When you normally pull the clutch lever the only component that moves is the pressure plate which moves outwards/away from the engine, compressing the springs. The basket and the drum (which incorporate the spring posts which the spring caps are rigidly mounted to) should not move outwards, and nothing should touch the clutch cover at any time.
Who ever said check the clutch center nut was correct...... all sorted just need to fit new clutch spring caps and it's a goer. ...thanks alll