Hi all, Been having issues with my 1199 clutch lately. I can see the smallest of weeps coming up through the threads and past the slave bleed nipple. I have tightened the nipple up beyond what is normal and leaking has reduced but still present (only a small smear of oil) no doubt this will just prolong the time before a bleed is needed again. I dare not tighten anymore for fear of stripping the threads. My question is could I use plumbers tape around the male bleed nipple threads to seal or should I replace the entire female/male fitting for a new one? Im sure someone has had this issue… Thanks in advance
Are you using the correct copper washers around the sides of the clutch fluid line? I assume the 1199 uses them as standard. If you do have them you could try annealing them over heat and they should soften up and become usable.
Hi red, it’s not the threaded bolt attaching the clutch line coming into the slave, it’s the bleed nipple that inserts into it. Don’t believe there is any washers on the bleed nipple itself no.
I am confused reading both above posts, if this is solely the bleed nipple we're talking about then that is a separate issue to a banjo leak isn't it Red? In increasing years I am in danger of miss reading and misunderstanding what people have written, so apologise in advance. If we are talking about just the bleed nipple, then I would try and replace with another to start with. A leak that is occurring by weeping solely from the threaded portion is normally a secondary issue only of any concern while actually bleeding, i.e. – when the nipple is actually slightly loosened. the fact that this is leaking while tightened means that the tapered seat is either compromised or damaged for some reason. although a lengthy procedure, I would remove it entirely to find out the cause, as the tapered seat system is normally very reliable unless over-tightened or there is a foreign body or corrosion present. Obviously the part you hope isn't damaged is the female seat in the slave body. On a rare caliper, I've re-cut the female seat before as a last resort but hopefully replacing the nipple will cure this, particularly if you study the old one and see that the male tapered face has some irregularity.
Clearly, I misunderstood your post. I'd agree, replace the bleed nipple and give the seat a good cleaning out. Unless there is damage or dirt in the cylinder bleed taper itself it should be fine. If that were to happen to me I think I would then aim for an upgraded slave cylinder, if I did find damage that could not be corrected.
I had exactly this a couple of months ago on my GSXR brake mc bleed nipple. I did consider PTFE tape as a last resort but first fitted a new bleed nipple. That immediately cured the issue. I believe that over tightening, in time, slightly stretches the thread allowing fluid to creep up.
Waste if time, fluid is leaking past the tapered face of the bleed nipple either because of damage or mis machining of one or both of the two sealing faces or there is a foreign body preventing the two faces mating together properly. A piece of ptfe tape on the threads will be of little if any use at all.
of course and we are all free to believe what we like, but in terms of fluid escaping, its taper first, thread second.
Hang one of these from the nipple. Only £1.70 https://minimumworld.com/d4308-deta...DjXosFeefbnh-3j7MhxXfMzr2q_reopxoCg_gQAvD_BwE
Thanks all. Anyone know part number for the both the seat and nipple, if I’ve termed them correctly? Would usually have tried the tape approach but have had a lot of issues out on the road with this so just want it fixed once and for all and if the tape is only a maybe then would just replace the lot. thanks