Easy job,if you have access to a high pressure airline that will do nicely,2 things to remember,firstly it's very important to put the plates back in exactly the same order,the last plate will need to align with a mark on the inside of the pressure plate.Second if using the airline make sure you blow the dust away from you! pgood luck,let us know how you got on
while you're at it, you have the easy opportunity to make the clutch quieter (but could be time consuming unless you have a spare set of clutch plates kicking around) :- Silent Clutch At Last - Ducati.ms - The Ultimate Ducati Forum and also to make the clutch lever action lighter :- http://ducatiforum.co.uk/f2/748-heavy-clutch-who-has-tried-removing-2-springs-12835/
I have been using 4 springs for the last 6 years,last clutch now at 10'000 miles,basket feels shagged but plates ok,never had a problem with clutch slip etc.
i take mine off and wash it in the sink, a quick dry and back on the bike, works for me 4 springs work fine, just dont look as good if wearing an open cover imho ive never put any extra plates in, so cant comment either way on the silent mod, but im happy with the rattle
I don't mind the noise, but i'm going to give the plates a clean to ease the groaning . Thanks again for the replies. Kev
Kev, if you haven't an airline brake and clutch cleaner is good to clean the steel plates, wipe off the friction plates with clean rags and clean the basket up with a few clean rags and brake cleaner - good to go
Is it ok to just remove the clutch cover and give the plates a good dosing with brake and clutch cleaner? I don't fancy the idea of actually removing anything on the 1098 as I have no special tools to do so. Mine has made a noise since I got it and I am hoping its a build up of dust. Tends to make a slipping noise when I sett off quickly!