Today I installed the Ducabike clear clutch cover with pressure plate and the triangle that goes on it. The bike runs fine, but pulling the clutch lever in is like squeezing a rock. If I back off the screws on the triangle that mounts the pressure plate, I can get a little travel before the rock-hard lever feel. I am pretty damn sure I got the pressure plate bearings properly seated. This is the first hydraulic clutch I’ve done any work on, so I’m not sure what I’m missing here...anyone have any ideas? I know sometimes you need to start the bike to get proper function (I had to do so on my Kawasaki), but I’m a little reluctant to slam it into gear in my garage with no way to disengage. Edit note: I tried running it in gear on the rear stand, no change. Editing again as I resolved my issue. Rather than delete the thread, I’ll leave my shame along with the solution in case someone else working on their clutch forgets something basic like I did. Remember to put the outermost 2 clutch plates (one friction plate and one steel) on the pressure plate, as the outermost steel plate has to engage teeth with the matching teeth on the pressure plate. Once I did that, everything went back together and I had clutch lever movement with reasonable tension and you can visibly see the pressure plate moving through the glass when squeezing the clutch.
Not difficult - the hardest parts were getting all the old sealant off, as it’s pretty tight & made me wish I had smaller fingers, and getting it past the valve cover to the right, as it has to be slipped under if you don’t pull that cover. Also getting the push pin out of the throw out bearing and swapping the bearing over was a little unnerving, as I’m not the most gentle on bearings. I installed it with the bike on the side stand, one single drop of oil hit the floor.
I see it when I look for 1260 parts. Here’s a screenshot, it’s in the middle at the bottom, part CCDV06. Bn