899 Clutch Lever Strangeness

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by burndownthediscos, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. This is the first bike I've had with a hydraulic clutch. Today when I was riding away the lever felt strange when in first almost like it was stuck or lever was bunged up with sand or gravel if that makes sense?

    Hard to pull in but it disappeared after a bit of riding. Is this normal? Its the 2nd time I've noticed it on near new 899. Does the fluid need to warm up or something else causing this?
    #1 burndownthediscos, Jan 5, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
  2. There was / is a problem with the clearances within the slave cylinder on some bikes. Problem is usually worse when hot. It is like a creaking when pulling in the lever like it's seizing up.

    I replaced mine (slave cylinder) with an Oberon and problem solved (1199).
  3. That sounds like it although it happens from cold on the 2 occassions. Is it a warranty thing or a that's just the way it is thing?
  4. Sorted. Warranty replacement clutch slave cylinder. Location rod was dodgy.
    • Useful Useful x 1
  5. Im on my 4th slave cyclinder from new, good thing it was under warranty. Ducati have said that a faulty batch had been made.
  6. I find it very irritating how often this happens in the bike world, or is it just Ducati? The price of Ducatis (bikes in general) these days, plus VAG backing now, I'm really hoping this "we had a bad batch" stops happening.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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