So, having woken my '93 900SS from its winter slumbers I found the clutch hydraulics felt like they needed bleeding since the lever came about two thirds of the way back to the bar before any resistance was felt. The clutch was also dragging, making neutral hard to find. This is odd because there have been no leaks and it was not like that last time i rode it. I bled it thoroughly but the problem persisted. I renewed the seals in the master cylinder but the problem has still persisted. I now suspect the slave cylinder - a California Cycleworks item - however inspection of this reveals no leakage. Before I renew it, is there anything else that could cause this problem? TIA Stu
I would suspect the master cyl of having a little air trapped on the pressure side of the piston. Try bleeding at the banjo with the handlebars turned to help it be the highest point.