My multistrada 1000ds will be needing new clutch plates soon. On ebay there's thousands up for grabs, but what's the difference between them, are all ducati clutch plates the same or do they differ between models? Do I have to buy plates specifically for the multi?
All modern Ducati dry clutches use the same assembly but the plates even though generic is size and shape could be different i.e. different friction materials so it's worth keeping that in mind. Also worth looking at your basket for wear, is it an alloy basket? If so you'll need alloy plates, probably worth stick alloy plates in a steel basket anyway to extend the life of the basket where possible.
Looks like the basket could do with replacing, to be honest (it's steel, by the way), but for now it'll have to be just friction plates. Just trying to find out which ones fit.
I have a special on alloy baskets figaro......normally £186, I have some available at £150....plates to fit as well at £186 posted...Barnett.....
It'll have to wait nog, I haven't got the money at the moment. What's the benefit of alloy baskets? I presume lighter weight, and I've heard they can be quieter, but won't they wear faster?
NOG, are the barnett plates ally like the later ducati plates are , if so thats a good price, just quoted £195 plus vat (£230 !!!) As for wear i find the ally plates wear better that the old steel ones, i dont think ducati still do the steel anyway, oh, and they aare quieter seem to ring less.
Lighter, spins up quicker, and with the new alloy plates lasts just as long, and has steel inserts in case you use steel plates. Much quieter....