Hi, Wondering whether anyone else has experienced this. Bike has done 1300 miles, and whilst sitting in traffic yesterday, bike getting up to 100#. the clutch became almost impossible to pull in, it felt creaky, notchy like there was resistance to it. Googled it and found someone else had exactly the same issue and could be a design flaw? 1199 clutch problem - its official - Ducati 1199 Forum Anyone else experienced this problem? I hope a new one will resolve it Kwack
http://ducatiforum.co.uk/f11/clutch-gone-9619/#post142123 ^^ it does sound like the slave can run even hotter than previous models, not surprised at standstill with the exhaust body directly underneath.
Thats what dealer said it could be - I hope the replacement doesnt go the same way if it is a manufacturer design issue
My 'speedo' went all melted looking around 2000 miles...warranty change due to condensation or something, but now with new'un on 1700 miles, so nearly 4000miles of fast motoring and nothing else wrong. I got the Termi's fitted, plus the fat tubing to go with them and the only issue I find is that at city speeds it gets very hot under it's collar and splutters a bit. Maybe your bikes are getting over heated oil through being tight inside still ? Get the miles on the things and make them more like the ones Ducati used for their product proving, then be surprised by how much improved the experience will be. The only fly in my bike's ointment is a tendency to get a slightly sticky gearshift now and then... so I'll keep you notified as the miles rack up..... but maybe on a different thread.
Its still at dealer since Tuesday - takes a few days to get a slave in. I also had the dash changed due to condensation under warranty. Cant wait to really have a proper ride on it since I only had it for 100 miles being 2nd owner
I went to Solihull this afternoon and experienced the 'sticky clutch' scenario too. I will keep watching the posts to see how it all pans out.
Dash also a problem. Kwack have you noticed if its a different unit or is it the same dash? Have they done sth different to the unit? Is the new one ok? .
On the dash front I don't know if it is any different to last one as I bought it 2nd hand from dealer and they changed it before I had seen it. New one Ok so far but as I said only ridden 100 miles or so in mild weather and bike at dealers with this slave clutch thing being fixed Seems to be a common problem though