Clutchless shifting on 749.

Discussion in '749 / 999' started by DoctorW, May 14, 2013.

  1. Not tried this yet on my 749 - still hardly been out on it tbh. Thoughts on the title subject - ok to do or not / tips as to best way if it is ok. Apols if this has been done to death previously - did a quick search but didn't get many "hits".
  2. Do it all the time shifting up.
  3. Shifting up is a piece of piss. Do it. :smile:
  4. Yeah do it. If you're really worried fit a quick shifter but they're just nice on the road and not something needed. You can either close the throttle a bit, hit the lever, then open her back up, or, if you're not too worried about bending selector forks, put pressure on the lever first, then just roll the throttle off until gear engages and pin it open again.
  5. Use the rev-limiter as an ign. cut out (a-la quick-shifter) then bang it in gear. Keeps the revs from dropping.
  6. ?? Thought you preload the lever a bit, then quick partial roll off and back on and should snick up a gear? From your post that could bend selector forks. If close throttle and hit lever, does this still snick up the gear or more bang it in?
    Hope makes sense as slightly confused now as to method to be using (to be as kind as poss to the gearbox).
  7. Just change gear as normal,but dont use clutch.Going up the box,its as sweet as.It just takes a slight roll off the throttle to take the load off the gearbox and it ll snick up no probs.
  8. Up and down the box works perfectly
  9. works for me, no problems and not £400 convinced its that much slower than a QS. I have reverse shift which also makes it easier imo
  10. It's a dog engagement box so clutch less is fine as long as you drop the power.

    if doing track days a quickshifter is worth it's weight in gold IMO..... You'd never change gear as quick without one
  11. If the urge/need to shift clutchless is so strong, I would recommend investing in a HM Quickshifter or similar to properly cut the ignition when shifting. Peace of mind, reduced risk/wear on gearbox etc.
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