916 Cold Starting 916

Discussion in '748 / 916 / 996 / 998' started by yellowducmaniac, Nov 12, 2022.

  1. Hi All, since buying my 916 in the summer it has always started on the button from cold, i use the fast idle button occasionally when its a bit cooler than usual, however of late cold starting is getting a bit random, sometimes it will start straight away and other times it catches initially then dies and is then a real pain to get started, i should note that it ALWAYS starts on the button when warm/hot.
    Gave it a service last month, fresh oil and replaced all filters, did the fuel filter earlier in the summer when i fitted a new alloy fuel sender nut, Battery seems good and is holding its charge, i'm just about to order a set of Exact start upgraded cables for it, but any other advice or pointers are welcome...thanks.
  2. Maybe check TPS position/setting?
  3. Condition of spark plugs ok?
  4. Might be worth checking the temperature sensor is giving an accurate output?
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