
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Evoarrow, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Get a pair of lady tights :oops:
    • Like Like x 1
  2. because they're a must if you want to rob a bank. Simples...
  3. [​IMG][​IMG]

    Do nowt for me!! lol
    • Funny Funny x 2
  4. The bottom half of the two piece undersuits some of wear are basically tights.....
  5. Great under leathers they keep you nice and warm I can vouch for that :)
  6. Has to be merino , although silk are ok but don't recommend suspenders under your leathers
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  7. why.
  8. Your very inquisitive
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  9. if truth be told i ware man tights at work during the winter.
    i will never admit to it tho.
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  10. Now don't feel liberated after admitting you wear tights
  11. i do. altho it does make things that bit harder.
  12. Marks make body responsive tights ;)
  13. body responsive?
  14. I think they go up and down, depending on your mood
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  15. Like what :eek;
  16. Stockings are so much better than tights, not from a warmth point of view, but because they look so much better when wearing the gimp mask batman cape and flippers.
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  17. Flippers! :Woot:
  18. Yep I know, but when your kinky that way nothing else will do!
    However it's not all good, try breaking or changing gears while wearing them, bloody awful things. :)
  19. React to hot and cold body temperatures
    So when your leg is hot they keep cool and vice versa ;)
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