Come On In Yer Times Up.

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by finm, Oct 14, 2014.

  1. Christ. That could empty all the roads nationwide. Fair play to them.
  2. yes , I saw that yesterday,,, fair enough but not just a blanket ban on over 60 or whatever age is being mooted. that would mean that Jimmy McRae at 70 yrs would not have been able to do the Tour of Mull last weekend !!
  3. Age Concern and the statistics quoted in that article tell a different story. Old people are not the problem.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. tell that to the independence campaign. :p:smile:
  5. With age comes wisdom fin ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. If only.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  7. And a loss of spacial awareness, depth perception and sight...
    • Like Like x 1
  8. Well I reckon compulsory youthanasia at 60 is the way to go. If nothing else it'll save gregotch the humiliation of jobhunting...
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. 60? Steady on old boy.
  10. Been nice knowing ya fella;)
    • Funny Funny x 2
  11. That may be so but the accident figures quoted in that link show that older people are not the age group with the worst accidents statistics, that distinction goes to young males.
  12. Yep, most oldies dont have accidents, but they see huge numbers in their rear view mirrors or flashing past their bonnets ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  13. Young drivers kill themselves. Old peolpe kill others.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. A bit of a gross generalisation there bradders, do you have anything to back it up without using anecdotal evidence ?

    Insurance premiums certainly backed up the point I made.
  15. to be fair, if you read the article it is not only aged that are in the sights, it is also those with debilitating illnesses like diabeties, obesity etc
  16. Old age in itself is not an illness.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Had a long day...cats dead...sons at uni..short of kick the missus who else can I take it out on?!
  18. never be to much of a man to kick the missus..
  19. Mate if I kicked her, I can guarantee what wouod come back would be harder
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