Its a brilliant video, road bike party 2 is also great. Its a real shame about Martin Ashton though, he had a major accident doing a trials display at the British Moto GP which has left him with spinal damage and they aren't sure if he will walk again.
That's very sad to hear, clearly he has a lot of skill but I can see there is quite a lot of risk involved nevertheless. He is the first person I have seen doing anything like this on a bike with drop handlebars, surprising.
it is very sad, i met him a few years back when he did a display at my local bike shop. you really couldn't meet a nicer guy. here is Road Bike Party 2
Neither of my pushbikes that I had would put up with that kind of punishment. A racer and a hybrid - they'd just literally wear out from month to month....something would break on both of them....they don't make'em like they used to....spent most of my school life in skate parks on either skateboards, rollerskates or BMX's....those were the days....
It is indeed a shame about the rider, with his subsequent injuries, at a different event. i would imagine the bike is slightly 'strengthened' in certain areas to cope with the extra antics. I use to commute in that way and instantly recognised that the railway bridge parapet 'ride over' is done on the railway bridge in Bristol, between the three Lamps junction( merger of A4/A37) and Temple Meads railway station, near Fowlers motorcycles.
About 5 mins from my house the 3 lamps is...although my work route on the push bike is the opposite way...everytime ive been knocked off it was in town...gave it up last year due to the fact that both bikes were a money pit in spares, repairs and cleaning....