Computer graphics card advice needed please

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by bigredduke, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. The fan on my graphics card has become unacceptably noisy. From what I can read it is an Nvidia HDCP card (computer is probably 4 or 5 years old). Is it worth replacing just the fan or should I replace the whole graphics card?
    If the latter, any one you would recommend? PC is not used for gaming but wifey uses it for watching TV on Iplayer.
  2. Have you used the Hoover to suck up the dust in and around the fan ? With the PC of turn the fan by hand if you can and see if you can determine the cause. Some WD40 0.5ml could make the difference. I've done this a few times with noisy fans.
  3. Yes, cleared out the whole case & components with a compressor & air gun a few days ago (good job I did it outside, visibility was poor for miles around). I have used some silicon oil on the fan and so-far-so-quiet. Thanks for the advice, might have saved a few quid to spend on bike bling.
  4. If all else fails for about 10 you can get replacement fan.
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