Confession time - I think I got scuffed by a car today - my fault??

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by mattmccabebrown, Sep 22, 2013.

  1. After a fairly long ride this morning - four hours or so, I had fought my way through traffic on the A406 and onto more local roads and as I was following a few cars, passing where I could and I made a pass, which looking back on, I shouldnt have really made. Both me and the car in front (fairly old crusty 51ish plate silver golf if I remember) are turning right into the junction. I cut it finer then him to pass him, but he swings out further left than I expected when finishing the turn, cue me trying desperately to lean away from the car and although I was expected a crunch or at least a scape from hitting the front wing or something, I didnt feel a thing. Maybe I may felt something very minor on my left boot, but that I couldnt be certain.
    Not wanting to have an argument, I basically f-ed off down the road and checked out my bike when I got home. I think I therefore, technically speaking, left the scene of an accident, but Ive rubbed shoulders and legs with plenty of cars/vans before whilst commuting and thought nothing of it (mainly as it was the drivers squeezing me)
    I checked my boots and all I could see was a very small scuff on my mag toe sliders, but the end of my footpeg was missing, so the car must have caught me, maybe the wheel, but I didnt hear/feel anything. I feel really guilty about it, thinking I could/should have stopped, but to be honest I didn't want my bike kicked over, or risk getting punched in the face :frown:
    Whats weird thou, is my size 11s are about 1.5inches wider than the peg, so when leant over in avoiding the car, the bottom of my peg must have just jutted out a little and caught the car.
    Could have been a lot worse and all because I was impatient. :frown::frown: Bad Matthew
  2. First Matt, you know i/we love you, but let me say this..


    Left the scene of an accident?? pahhh!! wtf?? What im hearing is: 'an obviously drunk and stoned uninsured driver swerved into you damaging your bike, you took evasive action in fear of your life', and now youre understandably in shock...Have a lie down, and log back on this evening when youve gained some perspective.
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  3. :smile: Si, you always make me feel better :tongue:
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  4. Moved to the the "Actually, it wasn't me, this happened to a mate ..." section.

    Edited by: Names change to protect the idiot 22/09/2013 17:20

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  5. Matt - please edit your post to explain how you had a pleasant, incident-free bike ride today. For my piece of mind, if nothing else :smile:
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  6. Confession is good for the soul, now move on.

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  7. Moved to the bin section
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  8. YES was me driving look what you done to my car you ba$turd..

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  9. Apparently the driver gave this initial description of the person involved in the altercation

    But realised after putting their glasses back on transpired into this description


    So if you recognise any of these people then please call Crimestoppers on 0800 000 123


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  10. Ah so it was you!Well my immaculate classic golf is in need of a nut and bolt resto.So if you want to send me a box full of money we will say no more about it.....
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  11. Is this from one of your role playing outfits Pete? I cant remember, i was a bit 'rohipnolled' up that night..

    View attachment 19888
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  12. I'm amazed you can sleep at night, I hope my insurance premium doesn't go up
  13. Moved to the translate section......

    I rode like a cock, cut a car up and made contact, then fooked orf, it was my fault but ill try to blame it on the car to appease my guilt trip having not stopped...............:wink:
  14. Stop sucking up to Matt, Andy. Tell him what you really think.
  15. i heard the car drivers got his number and has passed it to the authorities.....:upyeah:.........gulp!
  16. Yeah, that's pretty much it in a nutshell :tongue:
  17. dont crack saw nothing, you did nothing..that copper is trying to stitch you up!!
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  18. Stick a new unblemished footpeg on quick.
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  19. Feck em Matt. All cars should give way to bikes. Was in a traffic jam yesterday and the muppet in front of me deliberately pulled over so what I can only see as being pissed off that bikes were filtering... Couldn't believe it... Merc drivers are taking over from the Volvo driving twats!
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  20. apparently the government are trialling the new euro 6 star ncap safety system.
    to reduce collision impact damage between road users

    a spokesman said " we are looking at all angles"

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