I have three main weapons "fear and surprise" ..... "surprise and fear and an almost fanatical devotion to the duke" Soooooo I've ......swapped her for this I now wait for the Spanish inquisition .....
Lol I never gelled with the 8 and need something practical ..... Next year I'll be back but a 10 this time or a much missed 996S
Poke him with the soft cushions. Electric and reliable in-line 4, or visceral and engaging (and periodically maddening) Ducati? You have made your choice. Hoppit! :biggrin: (Just kidding - I don't really mind what people ride, even on a Ducati forum).
Thats not good I'd be disgusted owning that . In fact I'm disgusted for you,Hows that. The gate man, a slat is broken