Hello all Hope everyone is well.. After a bit of help regarding the coolant system on the RRV Can anyone explain how the expansion/overflow tank works in the set up on the attached diagram The outlet pipe from the tank doesn't seem to go anywhere (bottom right) If I were to replace this for a small aluminium cylinder type what would I need Cheers Andy
Pipe 13 is just a breather isnt it? Otherwise the tank would pressurise when the radiator cap vented, and it wouldn't be able to draw coolant back when the system cooled.
Thanks for the reply, so if I buy a cylinder type overflow canister it needs a vent in? How does it draw the coolant back in, does it generate its own vacuum as the coolant temp reduces?
Yes i would think it will need venting to atmosphere somehow. Not up with your RRV system, but the radiator cap relief valve should have a set lift pressure (1bar maybe) which will vent to the expansion tank. As the coolant temp drops and the coolant contracts, the vacuum valve (set at a much lower pressure)will open allowing the coolant back into the radistor