899 Cored Exhaust - Help

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Farhan, Aug 8, 2018.

  1. Hi All,

    I have purchased a set of replacement stock silencers and i have been looking for advice/pictures on coring the stock silencers. I have seen many other forum posts with pictures but before i pass the silencers onto an exhaust place i did want to advise them on what should be removed for the level of sound i require.

    I will be keeping the standard end caps so the exhaust looks completely standard.

    For anyone who has done this other than the catalytic converter elements, What other internal pipes within the silencers were cut/removed? I believe there is also a flapper valve which connects to the servo for ease would it be best to leave this in place?

    I am aiming to have the bike a fair bit louder so not concerned about power increases, I do not want to remove all sound restrictions but i would like it a fair bit louder whilst in gear than it is currently.
  2. This is a much better, although much more involved, way of doing it. Not mine, but something I really want to do.







  3. Thank you for sharing, The fabrication of the internal pipes looks quite involved.

    I would simply request the fabricators to remove the catalytic converters and possibly cut down the internal pipes but i am not sure what the actual cored exhaust process involves for me to advise them.

    I understand there are levels of removal which dictates how loud/quiet the system gets.
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