Corruption in the Banks reduced...

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by andyb, Dec 11, 2012.

  1. Only 3 ?
  2. As to why the streets haven't been laced with bankers set ablaze must be one of the best signs of human compassion and societal development.

    what did Churchill say about so many owning so much to so few?

    in the bankers case it could be : never have so few inflicted so much on so many... a
    nd they didn't even get a ticket..

  3. Plod must have picked up the innocents by mistake...:wink:
    • Like Like x 1
  4. They can't be all bad, they just sent me a nice new credit card:upyeah:
  5. Yours? Or someone else's?
  6. Some bird in tight black leathers delivered it...
  7. Busy time of year for Bankers

  8. Serious banking material then ... :upyeah:
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