1299 Couple Of Issues On Todays Ride

Discussion in 'Panigale' started by Adam Bell, Apr 29, 2023.

  1. Hi,

    Been out to blow the cobwebs off today and back with what looks like brake fluid sprayed on the inside of the screen and its wet around the top of the master cylinder.

    Any ideas what it might be, is it just a seal for the fluid cylinder.

    Plus my dash screen has decided to crack as well.

    Overall not the best day.
  2. I would clean it all up and put clean tissue under it to see where’s the leak is coming from, did you do any work before laying it up? Maybe not tightened the banjos up and happening under load or something like that?
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  3. i changed my dash screen, its not as hard as you think
    in fact the worst bit was a getting mirrors back on
  4. Have you got any pics or tips on how to do it
  5. overfull master reservoir ? Fluid can heat and force its way out
  6. Looks like it might be. i hadnt topped it up but was pushing the brakes a bit today and had a moment a car pulled out on me and had the ABS working.
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  7. Cleaned it up today and took some fluid out. it was almost to the top of the cylinder. dropped it to just under the max mark. see what happens next ride.
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  8. I would give it a tiny bit more space... e.g. room to expand up to the max. It depends how hot it's getting...
  9. IMG_0963 2.jpeg
    i bought my bike from a dealer with a cracked tacho, they knocked £1000 off because of it, a a new one is £850 plus fitting, turns out it was a result

    if you buy a replacement unit on eBay it will need reprogramming by ducati as all mileage is stored on the bike ecu somewhere

    first order a new screen on aliexpress For Ducati 848 959 899 1299 1198 1199 Panigale Sportbike Speedometer ...

    takes a while to arrive, mine took about 3 weeks to arrive

    there are a few you tube videos on how to get front nose cone off, plus instructions in manual, its not hard, took me about 20 minutes to get to the dash, which comes off with 3 nuts, easy

    it IS a bit of a faff to get the innards out from the old one so i ran a junior hacksaw in the groove between front and back and lifted cracked front off, rather than take out electricals, which means peeling back screen and other faffery i kept it in place

    theres a lip on the new front which i removed by rubbing on some wetndry, its obvious whats got to go just by looking at it, kept going til it fitted the old back snug, then taped it together and i bonded it in place by running tick bead of superglue round it, covered the bond up with some tape (it won't show anyway)

    put it back and plugged it in all good then refitted nose cone

    all bolt holes and clips lined up first time which was a the bit i was worried about

    mirrors were a bastard, needed some one to hold in place with wire so i could bolt up

    took me 2 or 3 hours with tea and sandwiches
    #9 southlondonCBR, May 2, 2023
    Last edited: May 2, 2023
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  10. I too have the cracked screen. As I did on my 1198 and on my 916. Its a Ducati feature. If youve not got a cracked screen, then your prob riding a Honda.
    • Funny Funny x 5
  11. Mileage is stored in the dash and bbs. You could get a 2nd hand dash with lower mileage then you had on the original and then sync them together using a Texa or similar. This will always sync to the higher of the two values. Hope this helps…
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  12. Thank you for the help on this one. i will get a new screen ordered up. if i need some help i will drop you a message :)
  13. Bloody Amazed x 2 !!

    I’ve been following this thread thinking that despite having 30,000 miles on my 899 now , thank God the screen has not cracked,…..very next ride I noticed what I thought was some condensation or water vapour sitting on the screen as it as bloody freezing!
    Gave it a quick wipe and nope, it was definitely the screen itself, looked like annular sort of crazing a bit like the growth rings inside a tree but on a micro scale….bugger :tired_face: !!
    Amazed no 1,… talk about timing eh?

    So, using the link that @southlondonCBR kindly posted I ordered up one of the screen box replacements, the website however did not fill me with confidence, Chinese supplier quoting over 3 weeks plus delivery was mentioned and by the time postage and tax was added it was just over £80 quid, anyhow no choice but to go for it so I hit the button and ordered one, what spooked me even more was that I got no order number,…and no confirmation email back from them, absolutely nothing,….was beginning to think I’d just kissed £80 quid goodbye :rolleyes:
    That was last Thursday 4th May, look what turned up in the post today…



    Amazed no 2 o_O !!
    Less than a week to get it from China, that turned out much better than I thought.
    Big thanks to @southlondonCBR for posting the original link and giving us a few pointers on how to swap it over, I’ve designated this as a job for winter when the bike is off the road and I’ll try and create a detailed “ how to” with pictures for future reference :upyeah:

    A question now,..can anyone recommend a good adhesive with the following properties-

    * Black in colour
    * Must be safe to use on Polycarbonate/ ABS as a lot of solvents make this material crack

    I was considering using black silicone but I don’t think it will create a strong enough bond so suggestions if you have used anything decent?

    Bloody amazed :astonished: !
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  14. Have a look at Polyurethane adhesive. It's what bonds your car windscreen in place and is readily available in black. It's strong, slightly flexible and durable. Unfortunately I've no idea of its ABS compatibility but that shouldn't be too hard to determine.
    • Thanks Thanks x 2
  15. @Poucher me too. Mine just arrived. Took a week. Winter project for me too. Cant you do yours now, so I have a guide. :D
    • Funny Funny x 1
  16. I better get on and order one for mine then as well. speedy service that. who ever does the best job is welcome to do mine after. :)
  17. I was doing a bit of Googling last night and found this write up on an American forum, it’s an 1199 TFT screen so if anything it’s probably more complicated internally than the LCD display of the 899, gives you a pretty good idea what to expect
    I think the critical points are -

    * Be careful opening it up so you don’t damage the innards

    * You will have to peel off the printed front screen, you can see it face down at the top of one of his pics, I think these are pretty strong so you shouldn’t damage it unless your being really brutal with it, once this is off you can get to the 5 screws that hold the pcb in place.

    * The two inner clips he’s highlighted in red face back to back and also hold the pcb in place, you’ll need to spring these back to release the pcb. You can see them more clearly in the comparison of old and new cases, new one doesn’t have them, pretty obsolete really when you also have 5 screws holding it in.
    I suspected they might not even be in the 899 screen box ?

    Seems straight forward enough as long as the printed front screen goes back on and still looks crisp and tidy :upyeah: ( you’ll have to hit the “ see more “ tab to open it fully)

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  18. Mine is a 1299, so perfect. Thanks for that Pouchy.
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  19. i think there are vent holes on the back of the OEM case and replacement that are slightly different, i read somewhere it needs cutting in

    its an easy job and i was delighted as the old screen looked tired anyway despite cracking, looks brand new obvs

    i was going to bond with black silicon, but in the end used super glue covered it in black tape, i keep meaning to buy a carbon fibre surround, but you cant see the sides anyway
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  20. Doffs cap.
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