Crap Crap Crap

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Lucazade, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. So been going to work today and seen this Triumph. Kick start, cafe racer look, painted army green with "rust on tank".
    Rust was on purpose to make it look dated as there was rust on few other bits and pieces of panels (even plastic one's hehe) while none on chrome or rims ;)

    So I now have this each to change how I am going to rebuild my monster. Thing is I already have a nice plan for that so a I might end-up cafe-racing the baby monster Crap Crap Crap.
  2. Stick with the original plan. See how it turns out, then if you still want to, look into the café racer look. Personally, I wouldn't want a hybrid of two ideas
  3. All your other bikes have been rat bikes, so why change the plan :wink:
  4. I know hence m900 is going with original plan I am just afraid that my ot to be stock baby monster is also getting a plan drawn up.

    I like rat bike look hnce I loved that triumph. I just did. It looked like an army bike that we through war and I loved it like that!!!
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  5. The rust look seems to be in, you can buy the paint on eBay. from what I can see it simply has a high iron content?
  6. Nothing personal, Lukasz, but to my mind there's something wrong about taking lots of trouble to paint a bike so that it looks rusty.
    Rather like those expensive, "distressed" jeans with "designer" rips in them.
    Kinda trying too hard to be cool.

    Just my own opinion though......each to their own and no offence intended, mate (which is why I avoided using the word "pretentious" .....nearly).

    On the other hand, I do quite like the drab olive green paint.
    Did you see that "Diesel" brand monster that popped up a couple of years ago ? That had drab green paint. Might be worth a look, for ideas.

    Now then, should I repair the dent in my tank, or just leave it because it looks cool ?
  7. The "distressed" look is a just short term fashion IMO, whether it be jeans, bikes, cars or anything else.

    Regardless of how much time, expense and care has gone into producing the finished "distressed" product, to me it just says "not cared for".

    I think it was Dolly Parton who said something like "it costs a lot of money to look this trashy".

    If it was my bike, I would not want to build one that looked trashy, although we all have different tastes, but different can still ooze class, not trash.
  8. Each to their own I have this opposite symptom to cleaning OCD. When I see a clean, unused bike I need to get on it, thrash it a bit, get it dirty and looking like it meant to look when used. Sorry.
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  9. What she actually said was "It costs a lot to look this cheap." :smile:
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