Crash In North Wales

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Cranker V2, Jun 1, 2014.

  1. Bad times. After some of the riding I saw today, surprised its not more.
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  2. After some of the posts on here I'm not surprised :confused:
  3. Sounds horrific ,trying to understand how 6 bikes were involved in the crash,or have I misunderstood? Whatever, RIP.
  4. Its section of road I know very well, a fast swooping small A road. I am waiting to hear back from a group of mates who went out that way today.
  5. Very tragic, but unfair to call judgement without all the facts, could have been any number of things to cause such a tragic chain of events.

    I had a blast today but hope not to endanger others on my Motard.

    RIP to those riders and respect to those who have to pick up the peaces.
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  6. Yep, could be a u turning holiday maker on a blind bend just as easily as a oncoming car avoiding cyclists and using all of the opposite side on blind bends...had both today.

    Treat every ride like everyone is trying to kill you, and hopefully they wont
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  7. Yeah I had a blast on the roads round my way today.Traffic a bit heavy and people doddering about but didn't stop me having a adrenaline packed ride.If its my time then there is nothing I can probably do about it and that's life.Could just as easily get killed or maimed crossing the road or taking part in any number of sports.Its either enjoy my life and accept the risks or sit at home and wrap myself in cotton wool.

    What next don't work away from home as people get killed driving on the motorway in cars.

    So stay at home, work from home and don't participate in any dangerous sports or hobbies including riding motorbikes on UK roads.Then when you are old and fucked shitting yourself in a nursing home you can look back on what a dull life you have led.No thanks and for me riding round and round a tarmac track is dull compared to visiting new places in a spirited fashion cutting through the traffic although it is more risky for sure.

    Im guessing more people die from DIY each year .
    #9 matt#corse, Jun 1, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2014
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  8. or as i observed today, 6 motorcyclists one after the other overtaking three vehicles through blind crossroads............fooking stupid!
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  10. Although I like having fun on the roads I wouldn't even attempt the above overtakes and tend to stick to roads I know well.Still i always use caution in blind bends and around junctions or crests etc etc.

    Even though I try and use my head ive ended up in the gutter a few times to take evasive action avoiding some twat in a car performing a stupid overtake and taking all fooking day about it.

    Still I could never give up road riding.To much fun even with the risks.
  11. riding my bike keeps me sane. Without it, I may as well jump under a truck never mind crash into one. Tried golf, just wasn't the same...
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  12. You could die tomorrow of constipation. Its true you can die of constipation. Bloke down the pub told me so. Or it might have been my doctor. Hope it was the latter as he had his finger up my arse at the time.
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  13. I hope he bought you a drink first :)
  14. had he both hands on your shoulders ?
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  15. Hmm! I think its that homojitsu thing again.
  16. All riding too closely?? And too fast??

    RIP anyways :(
  17. Very sad
    My friends also lost their son in a car accident yesterday :(
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