Crimp Tool Needed

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Kato, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Does anyone have a Deutsch style crimp tool I could borrow, happy to lodge a deposit and throw in a few beers, not needed for a few weeks yet, don't really want to buy one for 2hrs use

  2. I have some pinking shears :wink:
  3. did you sort your dash? im still work in progress atm .....if your still interested?
  4. Yes Andy sorted thanks am going with the AIM
  5. Might have guessed you'd be a lot of help :biggrin:
  6. I do have some industrial ones in the garage - left behind by an electrician in his haste

    Quite fancy but not sure if they are what you need :smile:
  7. Do you often have that effect on people?
  8. Effect? I have a whole facebook page dedicated to it
  9. Connectors/Plugs whatever you want to call them look like these, the tool for setting the pins into the plugs is circa £500 that's why I'd rather not buy one and never use it again
  10. Rob, there's a guy in Kent who can repair looms - put mil-spec plugs on.
  11. that limits it down he on the SC list too?:wink:
  12. Brilliant......But absolutely no use whatsoever when the loom does not need repair due the the small mater off I have not made it yet.
  13. Bear in mind that I have a stinking cold, but both of these posts are perfect examples of why I'm reluctant to help on this forum. There was a post about lightweight batteries on here, where Andy I believe was going to be spending £200 on a lightweight battery and more for a dedicated charger. I thought about replying with details of the (cheaper and more flexible) solution on my bike, then I thought better of it.

    Andy, your posts don't wind me up: they are just very dull, very predictable and very, very repetitive.
  14. If its 608/swiss type connector crimp tools can be hired short term, there used to be a company in Tedington, or you could try a small electronics company, helerman deutsch crimps are quite common on MOD type equipment.

  15. [​IMG]
  16. Bless your heart Jerry - I have days like that too
  17. Are they similar to molex?
    What I've done in the past (don't make it right of course) is simply solder those little buggers on to the end of the wire.
    If yr careful about how much blob you use you can still wiggle them into the housing, or solder then bend the part of the crimp that goes around the wire insulator over with some pointy pliers.

    Hope this makes some sense...:smile:
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