Cronuts - could this ever happen in the UK?

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. You see it all the time - Apple fanboys queueing to buy the latest shiny brick, Women trampling over each other to buy the latest fashion items from Chinese sweatshops, and now NY builders buying up pastries and flipping them for a $20 profit each time.

    Gotta love capitalism!
  2. Wonder if I headed down to Greggs and stood outside with a Meat Pie I could make a few bob...
  3. $20??? Buy a doughnut and a croissant and eat them at the same time... and save yourself time waiting in a queue and a few dollars :rolleyes:
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  4. is there some sort of euphemism in there........? If your meat pie does not yield the pennies, try your sausage roll?

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