1200 DVT Cruise Control Slows The Bike In Corners??

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by RichW, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. Anyone have a work around to stop the bike slowing in corners whilst the cruise control is activated?

    Slightly annoying, car's don't do it, so why does the Multistrada??
  2. Tyre radius decreases as the bike leans. The wheel rotates faster, the cruise control thinks the speed is increasing and slows down accordingly.
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  3. You really shouldn't be heeled over in cruise control.
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  4. It’s good fun tho. Twisty road, cruise at 60 (ish ;) ) and see how far your bottle can take you before you brake :upyeah:
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  5. Yep I've noticed that on sprited overtakes where I might lean a fair bit to get out/in quicker. Tend to find I do it on motorways where the constant uprightness gets a bit tedious and I get the feeling the tyre shoulders are feeling a bit left out...;-)
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  6. Sure I like riding the rim of any tyre but not with CC-engaged. But as my bike is the first I've ever had with adaptive cruise control (to give its full name) ability. I humbly bow to better riders & brave-souls!
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. I’m not sure if it actually cuts if high lean. Don’t have the bike any more or I’d test it, but something in the back of my head says it does
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  8. Adaptive cruise control scans and reacts to the vehicle ahead in the same lane. There are hint's that this is coming to the next iteration of the MTS but as far as I'm aware it's not fitted to any current model. Maybe you're a Ducati test rider but are keeping quiet about it :grinning:;):rolleyes:
  9. Now you have pointed that out it totally makes sense. Thanks!

    Shame Ducati couldnt have recognised that and configured the cruise to also look at the lean angle and compensate for it. To be fair it doesn’t take much of a lean for it to occur on the Michelin R5’s either.

  10. I'm not dissing having cruise in corners but why wouldn't you prefer being on the gas?
    Ok maybe i'm missing something like base jumping or bungee but I just don't get it.
    I just use cruise to relax.
    Maybe it cut's off because of a safety thing?
  11. I just use cruise control when on a stretch of road with average speed cameras on it.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  12. If you want to truly test your balls at cornering, get a throttle lock instead :scream::fist:
    • Funny Funny x 4
  13. I have noticed mine do this before too. I kinda thought it was to do with the decreasing circumfernce as you tip over so interesting to have that confirmed. Is a bit freaky tipping into a corner in the wet with CC on!
    • WTF WTF x 1
  14. I much prefer being on the gas :p

    I use CC when I need to stick to the legal speed limit and not go over it - average speed cameras and places where the cops hide in their camera vans. As such I find it a little frustrating when I am slowing down and I don’t want to :blush:
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