Custom Lids

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by Shorty118, Jul 20, 2014.

  1. What's people's thoughts on custom lids. I've been think that when the time comes round for a replacement I might get a custom one done. Their are some awfull ones out there. Some of the top level racers have some stunning ones but I reckon you would need a very artistic side or a a lot of money to pay a artist.
  2. Thought you meant the shop in Newcastle from the title. Doh!
  3. Looked into this earlier this year. Rage designs gets sterling reviews, is used by a lot of bsb guys and I've seen their work in the flesh now.
    Have been advised if you want one done expect a wait...
  4. Mike who is Rage Designs has the deal for most UK based Shoei racers, Camier, McGuiness, Jessop to name a few, done stuff for Stoner (125 days - I remember being with him dropping the lid off to a very young Mr Stoner) Foggy, Stalker... even done a few for me.

    Give him a call and discuss what you want, if you're buying a new lid might be worth mentioning that as he could probably tell you what colour to get as a good base or maybe (slight chance) be able to get you a deal on a lid anyway.

    Depending on how complex you want to go will dictate the cost, more layers/colours means more man hours masking/painting so bear that in mind.
  5. Rich Stephens at Rich-Art Concepts comes highly recommended if you are not in a hurry. He does alot of top level racers and has to keep them with a rolling stock of three lids. He has 16 on the go at any one time and each one is about 40 hours work.

    He has done an RX7GP to my own design and the paint job was £550.00. I am guessing he can do slightly cheaper depending on design and certainly can do more expensive. And because of the race season I waited almost 4 months to get it, however he knew I was not in a real hurry either.

    One good thing about him is his is 100% passionate about his work and actually called me up to say 'I hope you like it'
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