
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by johnv, Jul 3, 2014.

  1. Since when was embellishing your CV a criminal offence ?
  2. Um, about the same time fraud became a criminal offence?
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  3. Heh - case closed on that one!
  4. So telling porkies to gain an advantage is fraud ?
  5. Situationally - yes.

    Edit: not in Football though, obviously.
  6. embellishing's not really fraud
  7. Case open....this could be a long thread....
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  8. Situationally ? Define advantage.
  9. Fraud Act 2006, IIRC

    if you google (and believe the subsequent stories - do your own due diligence), suggestion is prison sentences have resulted in some circumstances.
  10. I could only say that if you a. tell a few porky pies and then get said job....and then b. then have something to do that related to said porky pies then you could come unstuck - personally id care more about the fact that id bullshitted my way into a job to then come unstuck...haven't been on a job interview for years as ive been where I am for the last 12 or 13 years but when I did go for the job I was asked by my then boss if id had a certain type of experience to which I replied "very limited, but if you give me the chance then ill prove myself, If I cant ill sign something now to say you can fire me instantly" - im still here....!
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  11. Anyone who embellishes their cv deserves all they get

    Professor Sir Wroughtironron DFC & Nobel Laureate
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  12. there is embellishment and there is fraud
  13. and absolute unequivocal b.shit. :smile:
  14. speaking from personal experience...?
  15. you forgot hung like donkey.
  16. ....?

    • Funny Funny x 1
  17. With a face like an Ass.
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  18. Prior to fraud act you had gaining pecuniary advantage by deception, so pretty much been a no no for a long time
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  19. Well I am shocked.
  20. listening to the radio tonight featured a woman who was sacked because she didn't disclose (or volunteer) information in a c.v. regarding a mental illness.
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