1200 D-air - First Hand Report

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by Owen O'Neill, May 5, 2015.

  1. D-Air Ducati Forum.png

    Following an altercation between my bike and a deer last night on a slip road (M49) of the M5 I can confirm that the airbag system on the multistrada works brilliantly.

    I hit the deck at around sixty mph and other than some superficial bruising I'm here to tell the tale. The bikes pretty badly damaged (4 weeks old) and the deer had to be put down by the police firearms unit

    The airbags worked exactly as expected and I'm sure saved me from a much worse outcome. Ima little black and blue this morning, but thankfully nothing broken. the bike is fixable.

    [mod edit - added picture for front page]
    #1 Owen O'Neill, May 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2015
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  2. Wow! Glad you are ok. A great innovation that sounds like it managed to save you from further impact.
  3. Glad you're OK. Bike fixable after a 60mph off? Really?
  4. Yep, initially looks like right side mirrors and switchgear and top fairing along with rear brake, rear seets and exhaust where it slid along the road. there may be a problem with the gearbox as I couldnt go down from 5th, although it changed into sixith.
    Its at the dealers now awaiting evaluation.
  5. I live right in Ashdown forest and that is one of my biggest fears on the bike at night. I've had it numerous times in the car even though you're doing the limit of 40mph. They seem to stupidly run out at the last possible second. I'm going for a high vis policy on all nighttime wildlife.
  6. oh dear...
    • Funny Funny x 3
  7. Glad to hear you're only battered and bruised and nothing more serious.
  8. Good to hear the tech did it's job...now Ducati need to work on one to save the bike ;)
  9. Glad you are ok. Just out of interest how did the jacket itself stand up to it? Jon.
  10. They can be just as dangerous in the day! Always assume that another will emerge from the undergrowth if you see one bolt out; sometimes there are three in a row. The population is higher than ever too.
  11. If I see one I stop and look. They always cross in groups. Got caught out when we just moved over here as I saw one crossing and 'judged the gap', then out shot the other two. Cue emergency brake and the missus packed lunch going flying. I don't speed through the forest anymore.
  12. glad you are ok, its never nice in any circumstance.

    I think mcn and ducati would be interested in hearing your story since you are living proof and this is such a new system, a lot of people like me are always doubtful about these things until they hear from someone like you.

    also remember that the insurance man is not your friend however nice she or he sounds, get your money's worth and your service for your premium that's what they are there for!
  13. What Bugsbunny said, and don't forget to claim for the jacket, gloves, boots helmet etc too.
  14. These things always seem like they could be a gimmick but thankfully this has proved its worth :upyeah:
  15. love a bit of venison ,,but glad your ok protected no claims?
  16. Yes. Although the Insurance company are trying to lay fault with me. The police officer told me he's put me at no fault whatsoever on the accident report.

    I saw one deer come out and slowed down knowing that it's likely there would be more than one, but a second later the second one came out about twenty yards or so closer to me so I had no time to do anything.
  17. Definitely not in my case, and having had the benefit of it first hand on a personal level I wouldn't be as keen to ride without it now knowing I am making a choice ( funds permitting) to not use it.
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  19. Hhhmm.... too much part of the spice boys for me. Been much better players than him imo.
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