
Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Char, Sep 28, 2012.

  1. Love it, even downloaded the family tree
  2. Oh dear....
  3. I've been there dozens of times and it really is like that.
  4. I used to watch it when it was first on (on a black and white portable TV in my bedroom).
    I have recorded the new series but not watched any of it yet - might give it a go later.
  5. Lovin' it! Reminds me of sitting in front of the tellybox with the family when I was younger. It's exactly as I remember it, and all the old characters are in it.

    Classic line from JR last week, when confronted by a female holding a gun: "You can put that gun down, bullets don't seem to have much of an effect on me, darlin'." :biggrin:
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  6. TV ........for sport, comedy and the occasional good film.

    everything else is just for the wimmin

    get a grip!
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  7. So you don't watch anything like Wheeler Dealers, Mythbusters, Gold Rush, Gold Divers, Storage Wars, American Restoration, Pawn Stars, Steven Hawking's Grand Design, How the Universe Works, Deadliest Catch or Britains Toughest Cops then? :tongue:
  8. Nah, i would rather shove an angry wasp up my ar$e...

    apart from American hotrod....:wink::cool:
  9. Ooh Dog the Bounty Hunter maybe

    Anyway bet you'd all watch Charlie's Angels remake but you boys would want new actors

    Men just age better maybe that's why new Dallas works for me :p
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