1200 Damn, Damn, Damn Exhaust Manifold Nuts! How To Remove Them?

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by TonyMNo1, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. :Banghead: Well I knew this would happen, I've just about got everything off the Mutli', to fit the new "Ben's" decat' system, having previously judiciously soaked every nut and bolt likely to be taken off with WD40 2-3 days in advance, leaving the front head fixing intact.
    I've managed to dis-connect the rear pipe section from the downpipe and I am still trying to dis-connect the front pipe with the manifold connection remaining in place, but struggling. :eek:

    I've re-fitted the centre-stand and jacked the bike back up, will next remove the rear wheel, which I have already loosened the wheel nut on, then will try to get more purchase on the exhaust box and pull further backwards, even thought space is very limited due to the swing-arm proximity, which will hopefully finally allow the front lower pipe to clear the joint and then conclude removal.

    :Doctor: However, I thought I would lightly attempt to loosen the manifold nuts on the upper header and yes you've guessed it, they won't budge and at first attempt, one of the nuts has already started to round-off on the square edges. So does anyone out there have any bright ideas as to how to overcome this 'disaster in waiting', because if I can't get the exhaust box off without removal of the upper front header, then these nuts will have to come off and we all know that there remains a distinct possibility that the studs could shear also....

    God I sometimes wish these things were not so predictable and that maybe I shouldn't have started, but hey!:Wtf:
  2. Heat always helps, wd40 is mainly a water dispersant not really good as a penetration oil.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  3. make sure you use 6 sided sockets mate and maybe heat the nuts up first
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  4. I found I had to remove the front header, bit of a struggle getting header over studs if I remember, I soaked the nuts in WD40 overnight but it sounds like you've already done this. Use a 6 point instead of 12 point spanner for more purchase on the nut "in the crook" of the header. Gradually applying more pressure got mine to budge. All obvious stuff but you can't free the cat without undoing the header, it's geometrically locked.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. :) Thanks guys, I realise WD40 is more of a water repellent so also soaked them just now with rust-buster releasing spray, so I'll leave them overnight and try again in the morning.
    Dave I used a 12 sided socket, so I'll try using the 6-sided as you have suggested and apply some heat, but I think I'll need to buy a blow torch or something similar to get it in the right place, unless a hair drier on 'hot' might suffice. :Nailbiting:
  6. deblock oil. from inotec
  7. Lefty Loosey - you will need righty tighty to put them back... ;)
  8. You can get little kitchen blow lamps that have a very direct and small flame - accurate and easy to use without risk of fukin out up...
  9. They are copper and can lock to the stud easily... Or am I remembering an different set up.
  10. deffo copper nuts are pish.
  11. Usually with manifold bolts I put a second nut on the thread down to the existing bolt and then start unwinding the original - this usually removes the stud. Very rare on any bike or car that I have managed to remove the nut on its own. Then get some spare nuts and just work my splitter into them to remove from the stud and replace with new.
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  12. Might be worth getting some replacement nuts on order ready for when you're putting it back together.

    I'm sure I read somewhere that deeper nuts were available, but I can't find any details now.

    All the best with getting the original nuts off.
  13. Its even easier if the whole stud comes out, but you don't want that too my times.
  14. When I removed my cat box and fitted my Mivv decat, I did it without removing the front cylinder exhaust manifold (because the nuts are so hard to undo). It can definitely be done, but you must remove the rear wheel first.
  15. :upyeah: Once again thanks for all the advice guys, it's really appreciated.
    Pete I didn't think I was cracking-up, thinking I had heard this was possible, if rather difficult as Rivets suggests! :Banghead:
    I've just checked this morning and at least one of the nuts, the one that had started to round the edges off, has come loose, the other two still seem pretty tight at the moment, so small kitchen blow torch it will be and loads more patience, coz it isn't needed immediately, but I do, like most of us when we start these things off, WANT IT DONE......:mad:
  16. :mad: :mad: :mad: Well I suppose it was almost inevitable really, so why the hell did I even bother to try?
    The front facing nut has sheared the stud off virtually flush with the face of the manifold flange. What a shite outcome....:Wtf: :Hurting:
  17. Was that with using the small kitchen blow torch?
  18. :Facepalm: I could say yes it was, but that would be mis-leading, even though I did go out and get one!!
    No after soaking the nuts and with one coming loose, I tried slowly on the next one, which appeared to move and then.....the rest as they say is 'history'.
    So off to my friendly local bike garage, none other than Mr.(BSB) Tommy Bridewell's father's workshop, for sorting, because undoubtedly the one in the crook will also foul-up, so rather than take any further chances, these guys can sort it out for me.
    I know I absolutely should know better and there I was thinking I'm a reasonably practical type of person, usually, but not this time :Muted:
  19. Sorry to hear that tony but it will be worth it in the end with the de cat
  20. :Facepalm: I could say yes it was, but that would be mis-leading, even though I did go out and get one!!
    No after soaking the nuts and with one coming loose, I tried slowly on the next one, which appeared to move and then.....the rest as they say is 'history'.
    So off to my friendly local bike garage, none other than Mr.(BSB) Tommy Bridewell's father's workshop, for sorting, because undoubtedly the one in the crook will also foul-up, so rather than take any further chances, these guys can sort it out for me.
    I know I absolutely should know better and there I was thinking I'm a reasonably practical type of person, usually, but not this time :Muted:[/QUOTE]

    A fool and his nut ore soon parted :D:Facepalm: :(
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