Dangerous Driving Conviction

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by chrisw, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. Just read a news article about it. What was the bloke doing on the wrong side of the road ? Rider made a statement that he was "in control" until he hit the fence, yeh, right ! Think the land owner is a bit out of order, I know fencing is expensive but £1000 for a few meters of wire and fence post ?. Andy
  2. what an absolute cock, ridden the road many many times and within my ability (25+years worth of experience on road and off road riding). I see too many people with little or no ability or experience have a go at this road going too fast and come a cropper or very close to killing themselves.

    Thing is though they've spoiled the road for the rest of us because of the average speed cameras on it or the plod patrolling it.

    The fence will be inexpensive but the drystone wall that you cant see on the vid will need rebuilding and I believe it ain't cheap to do.. don't blame the farmer for wanting a grand or so.

    Do ya rip loser!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. yip see it all the time, but to fair it's been ok this year. possibly due to the police campaign going on up here this year.
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  4. Sounds like a good road, I need to go and check it out one day.
  5. It is a good road but ride it a few times before attacking it.... as said before too many people attack it straight away and end up off or cack themselves
  6. Think this was the original thread, which shows what a cock the guy was. Looks like El Ts warnings about posting to YouTube coming true. Why bother with speed cameras and expensive cars when clowns like this hang themselves

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  7. He's just a young lad. A lucky one at that. Notwithstanding the near miss with the car, which, after all, didn't happen, Whatever sentence he receives he's a very fortunate boy to have come away from the tumble down the hillside without injury. Together with the timing of a car, any car, coming around the corner on a busy road like that and he is extremely lucky.

    Remembering his full video, does anyone know if the authorities were interested in prosecuting the rider in front? The reason I ask is I wonder what part of the crashers riding is it that the authorities deem to be dangerous? If it's the speed element then surely the chap in front must be prosecuted too? I remember them both passing cyclists, tractors, parked cars etc.

    Otherwise it would seem differentiator is the fact that the lad who crashed ran out of talent and planning. Looked to me like his intention was to gas it passed the bloke in front and try and get away by which point it was too late for him.

    Right enough he crossed the double white line whilst I think the bloke in front didn't but that can't be deemed to be dangerous driving surely? Perhaps it was a combination in the speed and the crossing of the white line that did it?

    Given the lines of the chap in front and the lack of his 50p piecing of the corners etc I would say from memory the bloke in front was more competent but given they were travelling at the same speeds for long periods then If speed is the issue I'd say they were equally dangerous?
  8. I can't see videos in work so dont know if his speed was showing and I'm assuming he went wide on a corner but i would have thought that crossing the white line is the main reason as this implies he is not in control of the bike. Guy in front might have been going fast but he was in control and didn't cross the line?
  9. It's not rocket science. I just don't see why you'd want to post a video for the whole world to see what a cock you've been.

    GoPro's (and other equally reputable brands) can be a double edged sword and could be used in defence of action being taken in certain situations. However I'd like to wager that in the main footage taken is used in prosecution cases by plod.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. No surprise that the CPS went for dangerous driving. Cross double whites and the cops will try and ban you, upload it to Youtube and they will ban you. I remember the days when we went really fast - and didn't tell anybody!
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  11. Sorry Royalwithcream, I meant he crossed the double whites to overtake another bike or car earlier in the video.
  12. Crossing Double white lines of its own is just a three pointer?
  13. Or if your lucky a "Ride" course as an alternative to the points.
    Can't remember the course, the lunch was good though.
  14. not up hear it aint, was Listening t o report on radio Scotland the other day which stated you are much more likely to get a ticket in Scotland than anywhere else in the uk with little or no chance of some sort of course
  15. In the clip above the other biker was pootling along at appears to be a sensible speed and fully in control, not crossing or going near the white lines.
  16. Had he gone head on into the car coming the other way it would be a very different story.

    Not surprised they threw the book at him if only to set an example.

    Personally I think he deserved it, if only for uploading it to show the world.
  17. Hope he's got a comfy sofa to sit on for a while, the dickhead!
  18. And mines the next post!

    I think the comments are a little harsh....

    Yeah - idiot for uploading it, ill grant you that...he brought that upon himself. But how many times have people on here taken a corner and ran wide - I know ive done it, gotten round and then thought "phew - that was close..." Personally id say a combination of factors (obviously) led to the outcome...I think if the car wasn't there he might have made it round...then the video would have been no consequence...

    Most people on here I would say go for a ride (will probably break the speed limit) ride not necessarily to their limits and that's it....however if they have an accident they immediately become a cock or whatever...

    Not trying to stick up for the bloke but playing a little devils advocate. Im pretty sure we all don't pull out of our driveway and do 30mph or whatever...

    You never know - he may have made enough dosh on youtube to cover the damages!!

    Having just watched the BBC link theres was more footage from him and the report....probably not the best bike to be pushing it on anyway - judging by the look and the state of the bike it probably has got porridge for fork oil and a strawberry Jam consistency for engine oil....it might lend towards the "bit of an idiot" side...
    #20 comfysofa, Aug 20, 2014
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2014
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