Hi to Bevellers, I have taken it into my head that I would like a Darmah 900SD. It maybe just a passing thing and once I do the research it may be something that is dismissed- To find a suitable bike is probably not going to be too easy anyway. I have just ordered a book to help me on variations and changes. However I was wondering if any generous, enthusiast person out there that does actually have one, would welcome me for a very short visit and I could gain a little more insight into the bike and also the things to look out for. Don't want to be travelling for miles of course and probably will be lucky to get something close by - I'm in Buckinghamshire. Just the opportunity to see one much like anyone does when you are considering a bike you amble down to the local dealer for an inspection. I don't expect a test ride however These are my current bikes just fyi www.my999.co.uk Thanks
Hi RnG, if you ever up North ( ie top side of Watford ) and even as far as twixt York & Doncaster give me a shout !!