I was working for a local magistrate today who told me the Average Speed Cams on the M25 between the A13 jctn30 and 1A are catching loads of peeps, and he only hears of the ones that go to court. The limit changes as you approach and leave the bridge and cams are in both directions. They've been working for about 6 months apparently.
Longer than that mate. My brother in law got done this time last year. Also, average speed cameras on the A13 on the way to Dagenham. I had to do a speed awareness course in September for 57 in a 50. Someone on the same course got done doing 54 !
The Qe2 is interesting on a bike as you can just about see over the barriers into the thames estuary. Not really advisable by the way. Best do it when pillion :smile: