1200 Dashboard Says Error Coil

Discussion in 'Multistrada' started by appsappy, Dec 9, 2024.

  1. hi i have a problem ,i had to change my voltage regulator it burned out, and now i get the message on the Dashboard when i start the engine Error Coil , does anybody knows how to fix this p.s. i changed the 2011 engine with a 2013 engine en drove with the New engine already more than 3000 km
  2. Is there an indication of vertical or horizontal? Generic coil warning?
    Do the free/cheap stuff first. Check connections to both coils. Look for verdigris, broken or chaffed wires.
    Change the coil/injector/pump relay.
    Is there an indication that the bike is running on one cylinder? If so swap coils over and see if fault transfers cylinders. Solution may be a new coil is required.
    You mention you had a R/R failure. Worst case scenario, a short has taken out a coil driver. I suspect that this will not be the case if the bike is running OK.

    Do you have access to any diagnostic kit. That would really help.
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  3. Thanks for the quick reaction i am from the Netherlands ...
    , so what surprises me is the use of the word coil
    is this the spark plug or ignition coil or stator coil

    ps he is running bad looks like on 1 cylinder o, no indication which cylinder it is, but it purrs when the engine is running and I accelerate
    #3 appsappy, Dec 9, 2024
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2024
  4. Coil = ignition coil (Bobine)

    Can you check each link pipe for heat, please do not burn yourself.
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  5. Looking at the parts diagrams I can see that the 2011 uses stick coils (effectively a long sparkplug cap with integral coils). The 2013 seems to use regular coils and leads, just two coils with twin output (rather than four separate coils as on later models). With your engine swap you're not clear if the coils got switched from the donor or if you used the ones on the bike already?
  6. i replaced the coils fom the 2011 with the double coils fom a 2014 and they worked fine had to do some rewire but that was not the problem
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  7. yep good tip wil do that tomorrow
  8. yep the horizontal cyl. is cold now it is simple to look for the default
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