Another celeb, another bike travelog. BBC One - David Beckham Into the Unknown, Trail: David Beckham Into The Unknown Riding in a T-Shirt, really? Setting a poor example there.
Ffs get off the H&S high horse...altho they wouldn't let him climb a 15' tower pmsl Good prog so far...he has never come across as an arrogant wannabee tho anyway. One of the good giys in my book
Cool program. Got to be tough to want to be a normal bloke and be told you're not allowed to. Bet the H&S guy was employed by the insurance company.
I enjoyed it, Beckham is clearly a decent guy and he has given great service to England and the clubs he has played for. It is easy to knock anyone famous but he has always been a solid ambassador for England and he comes across very well.
He rode a Triumph, had a mates biking holiday, became unknown for a few days and showed how grounded he still is even after all this fame. I'd say thats quite a lot
Beckham is a genuine nice bloke, out of all that try to emulate him the thing they lack is his humble attitude I have no time for the majority of modern day footballers, Beckham is a class act but unfortunately in the minority
A good programme, achieved his aim of finding the art of being anominous somewhere in the world. In the process made biking look cool and stylish with the right gear and the Trumpet was a nice bike too.
I know Beckham is a nice guy that's undisputed, on and off the pitch. Yes it did show he was grounded and has mates, if that was what the programme intended to show it did the job. Just expected something different
I don't like football, it's a silly game. However, I really enjoyed the programme, a bloke and his mates enjoying riding their bikes and visiting some interesting places and people. I found it funny when he tried to explain his job to the villager, who clearly couldn't comprehend that kicking a ball into a goal was work, whilst he was digging his food out of the ground!