David Robinsons in Wandsworth/London...?

Discussion in 'Ducati General Discussion' started by Dutch, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Hey Ducatisti.

    Although I've had a few Ducs over the years I've not yet used DR in Wandsworth, and as I'm about to get my Paul Smart serviced by him I wondered if anyone on here could vouch for his services... (or not).



    #1 Dutch, Jun 5, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2012
  2. Yeah, he's actually my local dealer. I've not had my bike serviced by him yet, but I've been there for quite a few parts and he's quite helpful. Very busy guy. If you go along Ferrier street and see a battered 750ss, that'll be mine!
  3. Thanks dude. I'll keep a lookout for you too. Any more opinions or experiences?
  4. Hey guys - has no one else even heard of David Robinsons in Wandsworth? I'm sure he's kosher, (and very nice to meet, too) - but I never like to get parts or services for my beloved Duc without getting any feedback on the product or suppliers first, and this bike is very precious to me...

    ...Any views, first or second hand, very welcome. Thanks.
    #4 Dutch, Jun 7, 2012
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2012
  5. Second hand - I've heard lots of good things about him in the past, no first hand experience though.
  6. Thanks fella - I really appreciate any info at all, as I'd not heard of DR until recently - which surprised me. More views, heresay, unfounded opinion, rumours - all welcome.
  7. My brother in law lives just round the corner and always uses him, never used him myself but reports are good. Reports also indicate that he is a very honest mechanic who will not do unnecessary work would let you use his tools for a very small quick job instead of booking you in for half an hours labour like a lot of main dealers will.

    Having said that, these reports are second hand, ive never used him myself, i have been there and the workshop looked neat and tidy and there was a sedici in there at the time. And... my brother in law is far from a perfectionist when it comes to his bike.
  8. only have secondhand experiences - don't be put off by workshop appearance as apparently it's unlike a typical squeaky clean dealer outfit. A very experienced and thorough 'old school' chap at a reasonable price by several accounts.
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