Spent the day working on an 1198 and I thought why not write a few words about it here on the forum. Write up will cover some jibberish about DB-killers and a few dyno graphs along with random pics, bike used is a stock 1198 with full 70mm termi system but this will apply to 1098 aswell, slipon or full system doesnt matter either. I tried two different killers, the one that comes with the termi system and then a much better option called 'good' for reasonable doe. Termi one looks like this, notice the end cap has been removed to make this option a bit better, despite this effort to improve it, it is still upsetting the engine quite a bit as youll see. The other option is much better designed and has the outlet area equivilent of a round hole of diameter 35mm, bought on fleabay for €60 plus shipping(just search '1098 db killer' and itll come up), looking like this: The test is pretty basic, do the three alternatives and map each properly to fit, then do runs until it wont give more power, this usually means around five pulls for each option given the engine was already heat sinked prior to that. To the graphs. First out the termi compared to the good one, and its not very hard to see the termi one isnt good for power. To its defence I might add it IS more quiet than the good one, so if you absolutely must shut it up completely, its the option to choose. However if you just need it to get quiet enough to do trackdays, the good one is definetly the option, it reduces noise with 3db (which is half wave pressure on the DB logarithmic scale). Actually it does better with the good inserts in there than no inserts, although it isnt alot, mid range is a tad better while having all the top end intact. Another cool thing with the good killer is the mapping doesnt need changing, got to like that Cheers, Tom Im in no way affiliated with the good insert company, they just happen to produce the right kind of insert.
Very interesting and useful mate! Am surprised at the cheap good one's performance delta over the Termi baffle! BIG difference right there! Look like they weigh a ton though!
Nice to see the difference to curves etc. And encouraging to see that all it does is reduce a bit of power, although the AF would be really interesting if you have it Probably the Termi is designed to muffle more, hence the larger impact, so doing its job and explains why seat-of-pants you can tell baffles in or out (or so it seems)
With the proper outlet area (equvilent to a round 35mm hole) there is no power lost at any point, rather its a tad better here. Ive done this test on two more bikes and its the same result, a properly designed insert does not take power down but takes noise down a lot. They are designed differently but the same area, and totally works. Watch out for using the true oem with the cap on there on track, as heat gets accumulated and a cf silencer caught fire locally on track. Test is just to make clear you can have your bike approving to track standards while having full power. At least in sweden where we have 95db driveby, this solution is the ticket.
N Nope but it should work the same, cant calculate it now as Im bloody tired but lets say a 33 diam is good for the 999 Full 57mm termi is quiet as hell as it comes for unknown reason, get that and killer is a though of the past, you will easily pass any track day with that as is.
Hi all, I know this is an old thread but I was wondering if anybody knows if these will fit on the 848 corse with full termi's? I have the standard db killers but I here conflicting posts about people failing tests at tracks with 102db and 95db drive by. I don't want to waste time and money only to be busted by the noise police.
I have some of the "good" dB killers for my slash cut 70mm full Termi system on 1098R. They were measured at 102dB at Brands last month. I didn't get flagged by the drive by either. This is them: DB Killer Termignoni DUCATI SF 848 1098 1198 DbKiller DB-Killer | eBay
That's good to know. Although pretty close to the mark. Are the standard ones quieter than the "good" ones? I would rather go with some options to make sure it gets through. Are the good ones machined out at the back? I'm a design engineer so might get some made do you have any pictures of them?
Is your system slash cut ends or the older style? These ones only fit slash cut silencers. Is it a full system? If not, it may be a bit quieter.
This is a slash cut system (just after said Brands Hatch outing, with killers installed): The killers are a strange non symmetrical shape, a photo would not be sufficient to allow machining in my opinion.
They are the same as I have. I can get the profile from my ones I was just wondering if they are hollowed out in the back or solid.