Dda Gps Drift

Discussion in 'Clothing, Gadgets & Equipment' started by J0n3s, Jun 16, 2017.

  1. I'm getting a fair amount of GPS drift from the Ducati DDA GPS module. Anyone else found the same issue?

    Screen Shot 2017-06-16 at 17.04.21.jpg
  2. Maybe take it out of Enduro mode?
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. I've had this quite a lot as well. One thing that has been mentioned is that carbon fibre can interfere with GPS signals. My D-Air leathers has the 2D data system and this often has the same issues so I dont think it's just Ducati Data Analyser related. I have CF nose fairing but the GPS is mounted at the base of the screen so doubt its the culprit. The Ducati GPS unit is expensive but I dont know how good quality it is.
    I'm currently looking at more advanced Data loggers like AIM, 2D and Motec as the DDA solution is not powerful enough for what I am looking for as I want to add suspension sensors,etc and the software does not have enough functionality. It will be ineresting to see if these have better GPS tracking but since the D-Air suits have the same problem it looks like an issue that is common to all systems. I suspect it's just a case of the GPS not being able to lock onto the satellites when moving fast on track and through valleys and around hills. I noticed this morning when checking data that it did it at the Nurburgring as I went through the Adenau Valley area.
  4. I have the ducati gps unit for sale if anyone needs it :)
  5. Maybe not the best thread to sell it on :thinkingface::joy:
    • Funny Funny x 1
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