Deaf As A Doorpost (official)

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by clueless, Feb 22, 2014.

  1. I'm being fitted with a hearing aid on the 4th March !

    I'm all most deaf in my right ear and 20% hearing loss in my left. I'v also been told to wear earplugs whilst riding from now on, or I'll be totally deaf within 20 years:rolleyes:.

    I had a big op' on my ear when I was 14 but 30 years of bikes and building sites seem to have made it even worse.

    My Mrs has been moaning at me for a while about loud telly and me complaining about her mumbling:wink:........hee hee !

    Oh......and I'v already had some mates shouting down the phone at me....very funny:smile:

    I'm sure there was a thread about earplugs a while back but here's a reminder !:tongue:
  2. Did someone say something? Ten past ten :)
  3. quality excuse, silence is golden.
  4. I had a dog with selective deafness. Pardon?
  5. Don't take the piss out off me.

    I'll soon be entitled to a disabled sticker. :biggrin:
  6. and a bus pass.
  7. What? Pardon? Heard that............

    ......You say a bus went fast?
  8. my ear trumpet no longer functions,
  9. My ex-wife was deaf - she left me for a deaf friend of hers.

    To be honest, looking back, I should have seen the signs.
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  10. Even my Uncle Ron is taking the piss out of me ! :smile:
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  11. sorry whats that
  12. For what it's worth the audiologists were fantastic at Southend hospital and my new digital hearing aid will give me 50/50 stereo sound again !

    So even louder cans maybe ? ;)
  13. in stereo..... old git.
    i take that back i was pissed at the time sorry.
    #13 finm, Feb 22, 2014
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2014
  14. Well im not going to take the piss out of you old mucker . :biggrin:

    don't forget you are special mate. :smile:
    50/50 hearing is coming your way soon.
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  15. bottomline_cards019_large.png

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  16. Worry not! Beethoven was deaf. Van Gogh cut his ear off. They still managed to achieve great things.
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  17. Deaf as doorpost is always better that dead as a door nail. Lets just keep it that way :upyeah:
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