I'm being fitted with a hearing aid on the 4th March ! I'm all most deaf in my right ear and 20% hearing loss in my left. I'v also been told to wear earplugs whilst riding from now on, or I'll be totally deaf within 20 years. I had a big op' on my ear when I was 14 but 30 years of bikes and building sites seem to have made it even worse. My Mrs has been moaning at me for a while about loud telly and me complaining about her mumbling:wink:........hee hee ! Oh......and I'v already had some mates shouting down the phone at me....very funny:smile: I'm sure there was a thread about earplugs a while back but here's a reminder !:tongue:
My ex-wife was deaf - she left me for a deaf friend of hers. To be honest, looking back, I should have seen the signs.
For what it's worth the audiologists were fantastic at Southend hospital and my new digital hearing aid will give me 50/50 stereo sound again ! So even louder cans maybe ?
Well im not going to take the piss out of you old mucker . :biggrin: don't forget you are special mate. :smile: 50/50 hearing is coming your way soon.